On Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 6:28:02 PM UTC-6 johnk...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 24, 2022 at 7:12 PM Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > *Maybe because you're mentally retarded? You posted Sean's 
>> "explanation" for where the energy comes from to create the world's which 
>> infatuate you! If a world has 1% probability of existing according to 
>> Born's rule, it has 1% of the original total energy!*
> I've explained this to you before but that time I used words that an 
> intelligent adult should understand, but you didn't, so this time I'll 
> imagine I'm speaking to a child with a learning disability, maybe that will 
> work. We've known for a long time there's no way to detect the absolute 
> energy level of anything, we can only detect the energy difference between 
> two things, but there is no way an observer in one universe can compare his 
> energy level with an observer in another universe, so the fact that one 
> universe may have 10 times more energy than another has no observable 
> consequences to anybody in either universe.

Then Sean ought to clean up his language. What he writes is surely 
consistent with my interpretation. AG 

> > *This is pure genius, from Caltech!*
> Any professor of theoretical physics at Caltech is one hell of a lot 
> smarter than you Mr. Carl Sagan co-author, Mr. 
> Flying-Saucer-Men-Landed-In-Roswell-New-Mexico, And unlike you I'm damn 
> sure he knows enough grade school physics to understand that you need to 
> obtain hyper sonic speed to get into Earth orbit. 

I agree that Sean is smarter than me. But what you miss is that at the same 
time he's considerably dumber than me! 

You keep obsessing about my professional relationship with Sagan, and to 
what end? I'm the one who faded into (Internet) obscurity, and you have 
enough information to know that my citations are accurate. So get some 
maturity and STFU. BTW, it matters nothing to me about your skepticism 
about the Roswell Incident. Opinions can differ. But what do you think US 
Navy pilots were pursuing fairly recently? AG 

>  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 
> <https://groups.google.com/g/extropolis>
> fgm

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