So, with the knowledge of entanglement, and nobody seems sure yet how it really 
works, how sure should we be in a multiverse, where each cosm is Causally 
Disconnected from every other? 
Could be an energy transference, could be, most likely an information highway 
in the sky (Delta Dawn), could be whatever, magic! My claim is we cannot know 
enough to decide because our equipment used to measure phenomena is too puny. 
Whether neutrino catching, or proton slamming, or freezing electrons, or yeah, 
A universe that is just starting out however, via eternal inflation, versus 
this one, would have higher energy levels and be much smaller and thus, 
expanding outwards like my gut. Disconnection there, as something random or a 
safety feature? Are these all connected, no matter what the age and state? Hmm. 
Perhaps all that is beyond the Hubble Volume, banging about, some 13.7 to 42 5o 
80 billion lightyear's away? Or, maybe not. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Kellett <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 24, 2022 9:09 pm
Subject: Re: aiming to complete Everett's derivation of the Born Rule

On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 10:28 AM John Clark <> wrote:

On Sun, Apr 24, 2022 at 7:12 PM Alan Grayson <> wrote:

> Maybe because you're mentally retarded? You posted Sean's "explanation" for 
> where the energy comes from to create the world's which infatuate you! If a 
> world has 1% probability of existing according to Born's rule, it has 1% of 
> the original total energy!

I've explained this to you before but that time I used words that an 
intelligent adult should understand, but you didn't, so this time I'll imagine 
I'm speaking to a child with a learning disability, maybe that will work. We've 
known for a long time there's no way to detect the absolute energy level of 
anything, we can only detect the energy difference between two things, but 
there is no way an observer in one universe can compare his energy level with 
an observer in another universe, so the fact that one universe may have 10 
times more energy than another has no observable consequences to anybody in 
either universe. 

This is what Sean Carroll actually says in his book "Something Deeply Hidden":
"Well", replied Alice. "Just think about ordinary textbook quantum mechanics. 
Given a quantum state, we can calculate the total energy it describes. As long 
as the wave function evolves strictly according to the Schrodinger equation, 
that energy is conserved, right?" ...."Not all worlds are created equal. Think 
about the wave function. When it describes multiple branched worlds, we can 
calculate the total amount of energy by adding up the amount of energy in each 
world, times the weight (the amplitude squared) for that world. When one world 
divides in two, the energy in each world is basically the same as it previously 
was in the single world (as far as anyone living inside is concerned), but 
their contributions to the total energy of the wave function of the universe 
have divided in half, since their amplitudes have decreased. Each world got a 
bit thinner, although its inhabitants can't tell the difference." (page 173)
In other words, Sean is saying that energy conservation works for the 
multiverse, and he implies that it also works in each individual branch. This 
is nonsense --  you can't have both. If energy is conserved over the 
multiverse, then it cannot be conserved in each branch separately, as my 
previous example of a neutron decay indicates. Energy conservation is routinely 
observed and checked in individual branches. No one has ever checked energy 
conservation in the multiverse.
The idea that this energy is conserved in the multiverse derives from the 
observation that the Schrodinger equation is time translation invariant. 
Consequently, there is a definite tension between the application of the 
Schrodinger equation to obtain a multiverse, Noether's theorem, and the routine 
observation that energy is conserved separately in each branch. The trouble 
with Sean's glib response to the question is that in each branch of the 
multiverse, we can measure the energy both before and after the supposed split. 
These energies are found to be equal in the branch, so energy cannot be 
conserved over the multiverse, as Alice in Sean's discussion claims.
Despite Carroll's protestations (and the similar protestations of others), 
energy cannot be conserved in the multiverse -- each split must duplicate the 
energy of the whole as many times as there are branches.
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