On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 9:33 PM Brent Meeker <meekerbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> But g does NOT drop by 50% and I never said it did, I said the
>> gravitational potential energy drops by 50%, and that will happen if the
>> mass/energy of a gravitationally bound system drops by 50% even if g
>> remains constant. If yesterday I measured the mass/energy of a pendulum and
>> of the entire earth against an energy standard and I measure those things
>> again today against today's energy standard, and if the mass/energy of the
>> pendulum and the earth and today's energy standard have all decreased by
>> 50%, then I will get the same measured value that I got yesterday even if g
>> really is the same as it was yesterday.
> * > If all mass were scaled down by the same factor the gravitational
> interactions, like orbits and pendulums, would seem unchanged.  But what
> about the natural frequency of spring-mass systems?  Halving the mass while
> the EM forces between molecules of the spring stay the same means the
> frequency will go up.   So must all interaction constants change to save
> the appearance?Brent*

*If* the mass/energy at the end of the spring was reduced by 50% (and thus
its inertia also reduced by 50%), as it would if the universe had split and
energy is conserved, *then* the energy in the spring, and any other form of
energy, would also have to be reduced by 50%. So the spring would move the
same way it did before, and there would be no experimental or observational
way to determine that anything had changed.

Just as in the case of the gravitational constant g, the Coulomb electric
force constant in a vacuum ε0, and the magnetic constant μ0 (also called
the vacuum permeability of free space), would also produce the same value
today that it did yesterday when we find those numbers through experiment,
and for the same reason it did for the gravitational constant. The speed of
light c would be the same too because from Maxwell's Equations we know that
c = 1/√μ0εo. Thus physics textbooks would not have to be rewritten in any

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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