On 09-05-2022 00:34, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 6:52 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

On 08-05-2022 06:04, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On Sun, May 8, 2022 at 11:21 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

The issues with branches etc. are likely just artifacts with
hidden assumptions about branches. At the end of the day there
a finite number of states an observer can be in. If an observer
modeled as an algorithm, take e.g. Star Trek's Mr. Data then it's
that there are only a finite number of bitstrings that can
correspond to
the set of all possible things Mr. Data can be aware of.

Everett is supposed to be QM without observers. So the number of
things that Mr Data can possibly be aware of is irrelevant.
to the SE, all branches are equivalent. All else flows from this
there are no further "hidden assumptions about branches".

Yes, but I'm not a big fan of "sticking to scripture". What matters
me is that collapse is inconsistent with the SE, therefore we should

consider QM without collapse and see how to best to move forward on

That still treats the SE as indubitally true. No theory in physics is
'indubitably true'.

The Everett program is to say that the SE is all that there is -- it
explains everything. That is clearly false (no Born rule in the SE),
so it might be wise to doubt the universal application of the SE.

There is no good reason to doubt the SE without any experimental hints that it breaks down, or any good theoretical reasons why it is likely to break down in some regime.



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