On 5/9/2022 3:36 AM, John Clark wrote:
On Sun, May 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM Brent Meeker <meekerbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

    On 5/8/2022 1:50 PM, smitra wrote:

        >> That the CI is inconsistent with the Schrödinger equation
is easy to
        >> see. If the Schrödinger is valid, then the state of a
system evolves
        >> in a unitary way. But after a real collapse the state
changes in a >> non-unitary way.

    > /Which is only a problem if one insists that the Schroedinger
    equation is
    the whole of the theory and it is ontic.  CI denies the first and
    that measurements are projection operators because a measurements is
    necessarily a classical-like result.  QBism says the whole theory is

And all of that is fundamentallythe same as "shut up and calculate ", they're just dressed up in slightly different philosophical bafflegab.

They're not "dressed up", they are perfectly explicit in their interpretation and ontology.  Only the Priesthood of Everett resorts to snide denigration.  And their ontology does not need an continuum infinity of universes to "explain" probability.

        >> If the measurement takes one minute, then the initial state
of a patch
        >> of one light-minute diameter around the location of the
experiment >> maps to a final state of that patch in a unitary way.

    > /You seem to overlook that this one-light minute sphere also had
    incomingparticles and radiation which could not be accounted for
    theSchroedinger equation./

If Everett is right then when an electron makes an up/down decision it makes no difference if you think of it as the entire universe  instantly splits or as the split expanding outward at the speed of light, either way something that happens on the surface of that expanding sphere can have no effect on its center because no signal can travel faster than light.

An electron makes an up/down decision??  That's a new interpretation!  You miss the point that parts of the universe not accounted for in your SE are acting on the instrument which is interacting with the electron as it's "making a decision".  It's not the one-light-minute sphere expanding after the measurement event, it's the one-light-minute sphere contracting onto the measurement event before it.  How does the SE account for it?


John K Clark    See what's on my new list at Extropolis <https://groups.google.com/g/extropolis>

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