On Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 10:10:46AM +0200, Telmo Menezes wrote:
> Believe it or not I am also a lousy programmer and had formal
> education as an engineer (even though I have a hard time seeing
> myself as one) who has done some research with anthropologists:


> https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-01429067/file/eScholarship%20UC%20item%205p57j1jm.pdf

"The page does not exist"... Perhaps there is a copy somewhere else?

> I always thought that scouts were the best part of Catholicism and I
> almost joined at some point.

Yeah. I guess if ever was into joining anybody, scouts would be it.

> Child abuse committed by Catholic priests is so incredibly common
> that there must be something about being a Catholic priest that
> either attracts people prone to these behaviors and/or triggers such
> behaviors. I suspect that there are three things that play a huge
> role:
> (1) The vow of celibacy
> (2) The association of normal sexual desires with guilt from a young age
> (3) The exclusion of women from priesthood
> All of these are catholic dogmas, and they produce a certain
> outcome, and the Catholics refuse to face this.

You seem to be right, but to be sure I would have to try reading about
other faiths and what is their stance on above subjects - and if they
too, display some kind of abnormal behaviours (as defined by the norms
of their communities). Overally, sounds like interesting hobby
project, for me at least. As various faiths give their followers some
desired way to behave, what are side effects of it on follower's
psyche. This would mean, do they have scandals, those communities of
stranger followers?

Yep. Sometimes I would like few more heads.

> >> How dare you?
> >
> > Uhumm. How dare I what exactly? How dare I to think? How dare I not be
> > manipulated into emotional reaction?
> How dare you invoke "satanism", an invention and psychosis of
> Christians that also did incredible harm to innocent people, to
> deflect from the other crimes of Christianity? This is what I find
> particularly distasteful. Maybe you didn't mean it like that. A lot
> of people do. I know Catholicism very well from the inside (against
> my will) and I am used to their silly rhetoric. They love to pretend
> that they are ultimately a force for good, fighting these silly
> shadowy threats (that they invented). The inquisition already did
> this.

As I sometimes hear news from Radio Vatican, to have a better
understanding of what things look like from that place, I have indeed
got a feeling they are doing something good from time to time. It is
good to hear from many sources, if you ask me.

As of the idea that Jesus Christ and Mr Satan are being promoted by
the same people - no, somehow it never crossed my mind. And your rage,
suggesting I should have known the two were so close related, was and
still is a bit incomprehensible.

> > Because I am afraid you have been manipulated.
> I have been manipulated into thinking that there is something wrong
> with an organization that has 1/4 million of child abuse cases to
> its name just in Europe? And whose leaders did and do all they can
> to hide it? Can you imagine how religious people would react if
> these crimes were being perpetrated by some secular organization?

Aha! I probably know. If you would like to educate yourself a bit
about children abuse as done by "secular satanists", there is a bit of
reading material.


  As husbands were being sent to gulags, so were their wifes. Their
  children aged 1.5-15 years were sent to orphanages and subject to
  gross negligence and social stigma. Some 10-50% of them died, if I
  am to believe some article. Older children were sent to gulags,
  where their chance of survival were slim, because gulag was exactly
  for extermination (I have read some anecdotic bynote that prisoners
  sent to cut the trees were seeing trees cut by earlier groups,
  rotting on the ground - nobody cared).

  Anyway, given the estimate of gulag inmates, I think one can have an
  estimate of children abused - using statistics, some modeling,
  another hobby, even if rather grim. Out of my head, if there were
  18-20 million prisoners, then I would say it could be 1-2 million
  children, both in orphanages and in lagers. I do not have so much
  time to do a real computation but I really wonder what kind of
  number a computer will show me if I try to get it out.

Materials, not all read yet:

- "The Littlest Enemies: Children in the Shadow of the Gulag", a book
  by Deborah Hoffman

  The book is not read, but seems promising. OTOH, I have read other
  things on the subject and I feel half sick already every time I
  think about it. And I am not a newbie to this shit.

- 'A lifetime sentence': children of the gulag fight to return from

  Millions of Soviet citizens were sent to vast network of prison
  camps under Stalin. Now their descendants seek recompense. 




- "Russia's 'Children of the Gulag' battle to return home after exile"
  By Tom Balmforth, Evgenia Novozhenina

  MOSCOW/ZOLOTKOVSKY RAZEZD (Reuters) - Living in a wooden hut 300 km
  from Moscow, Elizaveta Mikhaylova feels trapped in the same forced
  exile imposed on her family during Josef Stalin’s Great Terror when
  her father was sent to the Gulag prison camps.




- "The Forgotten Victims: Childhood and the Soviet Gulag, 1929–1953"
  article by Elaine MacKinnon




- "The Collapse of the USSR and the Emergence of Mass Child Neglect"
  a masters thesis by Karsten Solheim




  This one deals rather with post-soviet abuses of children, but as a
  form of introduction makes a summary of earlier practices. As such,
  author makes intriguing mentions of practices enabled by
  contemporary law during 1930s, which included judging 12-year olds
  and up as adult criminals, including death penalty.

- "Growing up in the Gulag: later accounts of deportation to the

  by Marta Craveri & Anne-Marie Losonczy




  A quote:

  Klara Hartmann was born in May 1930 in Miskolc in northern
  Hungary. Her parents were farmers who died young and she does not
  remember them. She was brought up by an uncle, a gendarmerie
  sergeant at Gönc. As the Red Army advanced in January 1945, her
  uncle and aunt led, leaving her alone.

  Aged 14, she was arrested, interrogated and tortured for almost a
  year in prison in Kiev, then sentenced to ten years’ hard labour for
  spying for the Germans. At Vorkuta, she worked on building
  sites. Bullied by the Soviet women imprisoned for criminal ofences,
  only reluctantly learning Russian, she was totally isolated, with no
  other Hungarian in the camp. 

More details about torturing "a spy" can be found here:
https://museum.gulagmemories.eu/en/salle/childhood-gulag - 

Ok, I think I had enough.

I posted all this mostly to support my claim. The abuses described
above already are the thing of the past, both victims and perps are
dead now. At the same time, it gives a glimpse of what is beyond the

> So you are arguing that the Church is not so bad after all because
> they do not participate in child trafficking? Really? This is your
> argument?

An abuser is an abuser. I think that quite a few abusers remain in
shadow, because Church gets disproportional share of publicity.

> We might have a misunderstanding here. I have nothing against
> personal religion / personal mysticism. Reality is strange, there is
> a lot of suffering that comes with being a human being and we must
> all develop a personal way to make sense of things and find comfort
> and joy. I enjoy reading sacred texts and own a collection of
> them. My beef is with organized religion. Even Zen Buddhists
> collaborated with the nazis. Organized religion is and always has
> been bad news. And it is always about money and power.

I think that your approach to religion and mysticism is laudable and
sympathetic. I also think that looking for an answer is more important
than finding it, especially that those who claim to have found it are
probably in error.

Alas, I am afraid that personal religion has no standing chance
against organised atheism. The one who, disguised as capitalism, goes
on ruining the planet full clock. And maybe even will propose a
solution to the problem of its own making, who knows.

Tomasz Rola

** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.      **
** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home    **
** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...      **
**                                                                 **
** Tomasz Rola          mailto:tomasz_r...@bigfoot.com             **

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