On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 8:58 AM Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.net> wrote:

*> Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate.*

Yes she was a poor campaigner and made the rookie blunder of telling the
truth by referring to Trump supporters as "*a basket of deplorables*",
successful politicians seldom tell the truth. Nevertheless in 2016 more
people voted for her than voted for Donald Trump.

> *> She came off as entitled, unlikable and transparently on the side of
> big money and the powerful.*

Unlike billionaire Donald Trump who inherited his money from his daddy and
was transparently lovable and on the side of the poor and downtrodden such
as himself. We know that Trump is one of the downtrodden because the
billionaire is constantly reminding us how the world has treated him so

> *> And just because Trump is basically a gangster, doesn't mean that the
> email server thing should be overlooked.*

Any crimes Hillary Clinton  committed were ridiculously trivial compared
with the treason committed by Trump, such as staging a coup d'état and
trying to establish a dictatorship.

*> My modest proposal to the Democrat Party: come up with candidates that
> people actually feel excited to go vote for. Biden won for being "not
> Trump".*

Biden has done more than that but in my opinion being "not Trump ''
would've been enough because there are very few issues more important than
stopping Trump from turning the USA into a totalitarian state.

*> Yes, the Republican party is batshit crazy and they seem to have
> embraced being as mean and cruel as possible as their prime directive. That
> is a given.*

And a cruel man who is also batshit crazy is most certainly NOT somebody
who should have access to the nuclear button.

> *But* [...]

 But? *BUT?!*
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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