And you forgot that Biden got us out of America's longest war. Something
Trump negotiated but was to cowardly to do on his watch.
On 9/3/2022 4:18 AM, John Clark wrote:
On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 12:08 PM Telmo Menezes <>
>> Biden lacks showmanship but he is not crazy nor is he cruel,
and if he is not brilliant he is at least reasonably competent.
/> He is a non-entity. Which is better than being Trump, I will
grant you that./
Biden may be a non-entity, he's certainly not showy, but you could
argue he has had the most productive 2 years of any president since
Linden Johnson. Biden faced intense opposition from Republicans about
everything but nevertheless he managed to pass the first real gun
control legislation in 30 years, and a 280 billion dollar industrial
bill to counter China, and a bill to reduce health costs by allowing
Medicare to negotiate drug prices by allowing the government to
negotiate prescription prices from the drug companies saving the
government 300 billion dollars over 10 years, and a bill to reduce
greenhouse gases by 40%, and a bill to raise taxes on corporations and
the ultra super mega rich, and a bill to expand medical benefits for
veterans and September 11 first responders who were exposed to toxic
chemicals. Oh and I almost forgot, Biden also prevented an ignorant
cruel megalomaniac from becoming dictator of the USA, or at least he
delayed that sad day by 4 years.
John K Clark See what's on my new list at Extropolis
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