On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 11:09 AM Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.net>

*> Yes, I do suspect that the "basket of deplorables" comment cost her the
> election. It was a stupid and mean thing to say,*

It may or may not have been mean but it was certainly accurate, and if it
was stupid then it was because it's stupid to tell the truth if you're
campaigning for political office.

*> you still don't understand who voted for Trump and why they voted for
> Trump.*

I know who voted for Trump but I still don't know why, that's not because
of lack of effort on my part, I've asked them over and over and over again
but I've yet to receive a coherent answer.

>> Any crimes Hillary Clinton  committed were ridiculously trivial compared
>> with the treason committed by Trump, such as staging a coup d'état and
>> trying to establish a dictatorship.
> *> Granted, but is this really the standard you want to uphold?*

You may think that avoiding dictatorship is a low bar to clear but
sometimes I feel like it is an impossibly high one.  Avoiding a bad
president is far more important than electing a good one because there is a
limit to the amount of good a president can do but there is no bottom to bad.

> *> She had a fucking email server installed in her bathroom*

Big fucking deal! I'm talking about nullifying a presidential election,
keeping records that were beyond top secret in a cardboard box in a
unsecured room at a golf club, bungling a pandemic response, increasing the
likelihood of Iran developing a nuclear bomb, depriving women of having
autonomy over their own body, and staging an unsuccessful coup d'état.  And
you're still worried about Hillary Clinton's email server!

*> Agreed, but the only way to prevent that scenario is to mobilize the
> people who are not into batshit ideas to bother voting. Writing these
> things might help you process your feelings but it doesn't help with
> anything.*

You mean I will not be able to single-handedly save the nation with my
posts?! I am crushed!!

> > *The batshit crazy who vote for Trump will not be less batshit in 2022,
> but there is a very good chance that the non-batshit will be discouraged if
> not provided with someone remotely inspiring.*

Biden lacks showmanship but he is not crazy nor is he cruel, and if he is
not brilliant he is at least reasonably competent.

> *> That is that the reality you must face, but I know you will not
> (meaning the highly engaged democrats), and that is why I strongly suspect
> that Trump will be president again in 2024.*

Not if Trump is in prison, and if I had 5 documents in a cardboard box in
my house marked "Top Secret (TS/SCI)" that's where I'd be.
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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