I agree 100% with the second paragraph and 99% with the third.  

That 1% comes because we are a communications company and have no choice but
to plaster many of our email addresses on TV screens or bylines on magazine
articles, newspaper stories, and so on.  We're having a big conference call
next week to try and explain paragraphs two and three to some people
throughout the company...

We use the Trend suite (3.5x for av and content management), no major
complaints.  We're just starting to look at Interscan MSS for SMTP. If
anyone using this new package would care to comment in fifty words or less,
I'd sure appreciate it!


An aside...
There's a huge diatribe here [1]
http://www.ernieshouseofwhoopass.com/nospam.html on the subject of spam and
uce. Some of it is good and some of it is bad; I used it as very rough
outline and cleaned it up a little(ok, a *lot*) it is now the lead-in for
our response to complaints.

[1] Warning before you click- some of what you see and read is the kind of
stuff that sets some people off when it appears in their inbox.  It could
also be the kind of stuff that sets some people off when it doesn't!

-----Original Message-----
From: Soysal, Serdar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:45 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Trend e-manager opinions/caveats/complexity?

I have evaluated Trend's E-Manager at one point in time.  It works ok, but
not as comprehensive or flexible as MailSweeper.  Take a look at Praetor as

Content filtering is a losing battle in my opinion.  You will be chasing an
ever so mobile optimum point where you block the most amount of spam while
blocking the least amount of non-spam mail.  

The whole thing boils down to user education.  The ONLY way you can reduce
spam is to tell your users NOT to use their email accounts anywhere outside
the organization.  This means no comments to stories on CNN.com, no
forwarding of chainmails, not using their corporate email id to bid on
auctions on eBay etc. etc.  Content filtering will buy you only so much.
Without user education it'll just make spam a bigger headache for you.  Your
users will become triple frustrated when they receive spam when they know
you have a content filtering package in place, and let me reassure you that
no content filter is 100% accurate.  Your users WILL receive uce even if you
have the most aggressive filter in place.


-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Ronni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:03 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Trend e-manager opinions/caveats/complexity?

Hello all,

We are looking at getting Trend's E-Manager content filter as an add on to
our Scanmail a/v product to start screening out spam. If you have or are
using E-Manager for Scanmail could you let me know if you would recommend
for or against it and if there are any caveats I need to be aware of? I have
searched my archives of this list for E-Manager and not found much other
than some people who use it and one person who noted an issue but never
mentioned what it turned out to be due to. I also searched just on content
filtering and spam filtering among others but still didn't see all the info
I am after.

We are running Exchange 5.5 SP4 and ScanMail 3.5 on WinNT4 in a single
domain. Although this quarter I plan to get the domain up to Win2k so if
there are issues with Win2k I'd like to know that too. The price for
E-Manager is in our range whereas Mailsweeper etc appear not to be and I am
very happy with our Scanmail product but want to get a feel for any issues
with E-Manager.

I also am curious as to the time it takes to baby sit this. If those of you
using content scanning software (particularly E-Manager but it's probably
similar for all of them) could estimate how much time is required to sort
out the non-spam mail that gets caught in the filters and see that it is
forwarded on to the user it was intended for that would be a big help. I'm
guessing that it takes a bit of tuning of the filters to minimize that but
I've no idea if I'm talking about adding a 5 minutes a week task to my job
or a 5 hours a week (or more) task.

Thanks very much,


"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are
permitted to remain children all our lives." -Albert Einstein

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