--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2007, at 6:51 PM, Rory Goff wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> > >
> > > It's more than a premise IMO. Hang around enough saints and you
> > begin
> > > to recognize a spontaneous quality that can only be 
termed "virtues"
> > > or "virtuous". It's the Natural Condition. Co-emergent with that
> > > recognition is our own Natural State, which is equally abundant 
> > > what I call "spontaneous qualities" (of the enlightened state). 
> > > meditator will begin to recognize that quality in others. No
> > > scientific research necessary, this is something most people 
> > > recognize.
> >
> > ...as co-dependent moodmaking.
> >
> > *lol*
> No, as "spontaneous [excellent] qualities".

Apparently, one person's "spontaneous [excellent] qualities are 
another's "co-dependent moodmaking," then, Vaj; or maybe you meant to 
say, "*our* group's enlightened qualities are spontaneous and 
excellent; *yours* are co-dependent moodmaking"? 

Either way, one could probably make a good case for this whole line 
of thinking being baloney, along the lines of mistaking sattva (a 
guna) for purusha (free from gunas), or mistaking  "making it a 
really, really *good* movie" with actual freedom from belief in the 

> We already have one editor here, who needs a retired antiquarian?

Who indeed? If you still think you and I exist, then you do, 
apparently, as here I apparently am. 

Speaking of editing, perhaps you missed the editor's gentle hint the 
first time around: the possessive of "it" is "its"  -- not "it's", 
which is only used by the literate as the contraction of "it is."

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