Vaj wrote:
> They have to hear the current spiel, like it or not. 
> But you do bring up an interesting point, because I  
> do believe if we look closely we'll see an attempt 
> to connect the "gap" between thoughts, the sandhi, 
> to a higher state of consciousness (and furthermore 
> link that to all sorts of fantastic razzle-dazzle, 
> from quantum physics to whether or not your house has  
> an entrance on the south side). This is the crucial 
> indoctrination.  
This is a perfect example of why I think Vaj hasn't
heard a TM introductory lecture. Is there any "fantastic 
razzle-dazzle", quantum physics, or discussion of "whether 
or not your house has an entrance on the south side" 
included in any introductory TM lecture? I think not.

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