Just today I was wishing for some transparency  for these two 'gents.'

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 8:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Vermont Rocks

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Vt. towns OK Bush 'indictment'
> Symbolic measure calls for arrest of president, VP, if they visit towns
> updated 7:17 p.m. CT, Tues., March. 4, 2008
> BRATTLEBORO, Vt. - Voters in two Vermont towns approved measures Tuesday
> calling for the indictment of President Bush and Vice President Dick 
> Cheney
> for what they consider violations of the Constitution.
> More symbolic than anything, the items sought to have police arrest Bush 
> and
> Cheney if they ever visit Brattleboro or nearby Marlboro or to extradite
> them for prosecution elsewhere - if they're not impeached first.
> In Brattleboro, the vote was 2,012-1,795. In Marlboro, which held a town
> meeting on the issue, it was 43-25 with three abstentions.
> "It really carries no weight," said Brattleboro Town Clerk Annette Cappy.
> "Our town attorney has no legal authority to draw up any papers to allow 
> our
> police officers to do so, but the gentleman who initiated the petition, 
> got
> the signatures, wanted it on the ballot to make a statement."
> The measure in Marlboro isn't binding because it didn't appear on the
> warning for the meeting, according to Nora Wilson.
> "It was emotional. There were heartfelt speeches on both sides," Wilson
> said.
> The question put to voters in Brattleboro referred to "crimes against our
> Constitution" but did not specify the allegations.
> 'An extreme thing to do'
> In Brattleboro, a steady stream of voters paraded into the Union High 
> School
> gym to cast their ballots on a day when school board elections and 
> Vermont's
> presidential primary were also on the slate.
> Voters interviewed after casting ballots said they saw the article as an
> opportunity to express their frustration over the war in Iraq and Bush's
> tenure in general.
> "I realize it's an extreme thing to do, and really silly in a way," said
> Robert George, 74, a retired photographer. "But I'm really angry about us
> getting involved in the war in Iraq and him (Bush) disrespecting the will 
> of
> the people."
> Ian Kelley, 41, a radio DJ, said he didn't vote on the article.
> "It's not a good reflection on the town," he said. "Do I like either of 
> them
> and would I vote for them? No. But I don't think it's cause to arrest 
> them."
> Barbara Southworth, a 66-year-old nurse, said she would have voted against
> it.
> "I forgot to vote because it was on the flip side," she said.
> The White House press office didn't immediately respond to a request for
> comment, but a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee denounced
> the indictment effort.
> "It appears that the left wing knows no bounds in their willingness to 
> waste
> taxpayer dollars to make a futile counterproductive partisan political
> point," said Blair Latoff. "Town people would be much better served by
> elected officials who sought to solve problems rather than create them."
> URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23472875/
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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