--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard M" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your post put me in mind of the crucifixion scene in The Life 
> Of Brian and the wonderful "Always Look On The Bright Side Of 
> Life". But isn't the real point of that - the real *joke* if 
> you like - that however funny it is in the film it most 
> certainly refers to something most decidedly unfunny. That 
> deep unease we feel is what makes the Monty Python 
> classic so profound? 

That *you* feel. I think it's genuinely funny.

> And what of Jesus? I am no Christian, but his influence cannot 
> be denied. Where are his jokes?

Someone who is more up on the New Testament will
have to supply "chapter and verse" on this, but
if I am not mistaken they did allow one of his
jokes through. It's at the wedding scene, where
they are trying to get him to do something mir-
aculous about the fact that they've run out of
wine for the guests. As I remember, they come to
him to beg him to do something several times, him
saying no each time, and finally saying something
to the effect of, "Hey, it's not my funeral."

But it's a wedding. Anyway...someone who cares can
look it up.

I suspect that the dude himself was really, really
funny but that his oh-so-serious disciples refused
to write down or remember any of the funny parts,
because they didn't think they mattered. They're
probably the parts that mattered most.

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