--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Zoran Krneta <krneta.zo...@...> wrote:
> > You are claiming that secular meditation develops higher state of
> consciousness too.
> I don't see any evidence that they do.
> I think meditation heightens an awareness of an aspect of our mind that has
> a small role in who we are or how we perform in the world.
> What you say is contradiction.

Only if you edit my quote so it seems as if I am saying something I am not.

> If you don't see evidence then what would be the purpose of doing
> "meditation that heightens awarenessÂ…"?

It heightens awareness of an aspect of our mind.  I don't believe that it 
heightens awareness itself or our capacity to be aware of anything else more or 
better.  The purpose for me is that it is enjoyable. No higher state needed.  
That said it is way down on my list of things I want to do with my day so I 
haven't meditated in a long time.  But I enjoy meditation without the belief's 
attached to it or the idea that I am experiencing a "higher" state of mind.

That was my original point. You can enjoy meditaiton without the context of 
religious beliefs. Without assuming the traditional belief structure it becomes 
an experiment without an assumed conclusion.  I don't assume any benifits other 
than the enjoyment of the experience itself.  This approach isn't for everyone, 
but it works for me.


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