--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> Vaj wrote:
> >
> > On Apr 7, 2009, at 12:49 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> >
> >> What would the Muslim world have to gain from the attacks
> >> anyway?
> >
> >
> > Cause a hawkish US President of questionable intelligence to, as a 
> > knee-jerk reaction, go into a war which drains the nation, forcing 
> > it's economy into a tailspin AND gain support for recruiting 
> > worldwide? The RADICAL Muslim world would have a lot to gain. The 
> > moderate and progressive Muslim world would have a lot to lose.
> That's a rather superficial point of view.  It is entirely possible the 
> whole thing was a false flag operation but I wouldn't be surprised if 
> Dubya was out of the loop.   False flag operations have been used 
> throughout history to cause wars or make money for the war profiteers.  
> They are pretty much standard operating procedure.  The military 
> industrial complex was hurting after the Cold War ended.  They needed a 
> new war to bolster their sagging profits.  There were corporations and 
> banks under scrutiny too (and those records conveniently got destroyed 
> during 9-11).  I think they all co-conspired with rogue right leaning 
> military to create 9-11 and use the Arabs as patsies.  It just makes too 
> much sense that way and the "official story" does not.  The whole think 
> looks like it was cooked up by a think tank (complete with plan B, C, 
> and Ds) and not by a bunch of Arabs in caves.
> As for Muslims, just like any other religion 85% of them pay lip service 
> to it.  Some I have known were only "born" Muslim and never practiced 
> it.   Muhammad invented Islam to rid the area of  war lords back them.   
> Now we find ourselves once again saddled with war lords and need to get 
> rid of them.  In this time the big war lords are the military industrial 
> complex.  We don't need a religion to do this, just the truth.

>>>>>Here is the truth if you can handel it. we live in an age where the 
>>>>>President of the United States can't even get a blow job in the White 
>>>>>House with out the whole world finding out. you really think the 400 or so 
>>>>>people it would take to pull of the "lose change" type conspiracy have  
>>>>>never talked or anybody has found out anything about it. you all live in a 
>>>>>paralell universe where people make up stories, then teach themselves how 
>>>>>to believe them, then want other people to be as crazy as they are.
Have another crazey day.

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