Vaj wrote:
> On Apr 7, 2009, at 12:49 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> What would the Muslim world have to gain from the attacks
>> anyway?
> Cause a hawkish US President of questionable intelligence to, as a 
> knee-jerk reaction, go into a war which drains the nation, forcing 
> it's economy into a tailspin AND gain support for recruiting 
> worldwide? The RADICAL Muslim world would have a lot to gain. The 
> moderate and progressive Muslim world would have a lot to lose.

That's a rather superficial point of view.  It is entirely possible the 
whole thing was a false flag operation but I wouldn't be surprised if 
Dubya was out of the loop.   False flag operations have been used 
throughout history to cause wars or make money for the war profiteers.  
They are pretty much standard operating procedure.  The military 
industrial complex was hurting after the Cold War ended.  They needed a 
new war to bolster their sagging profits.  There were corporations and 
banks under scrutiny too (and those records conveniently got destroyed 
during 9-11).  I think they all co-conspired with rogue right leaning 
military to create 9-11 and use the Arabs as patsies.  It just makes too 
much sense that way and the "official story" does not.  The whole think 
looks like it was cooked up by a think tank (complete with plan B, C, 
and Ds) and not by a bunch of Arabs in caves.

As for Muslims, just like any other religion 85% of them pay lip service 
to it.  Some I have known were only "born" Muslim and never practiced 
it.   Muhammad invented Islam to rid the area of  war lords back them.   
Now we find ourselves once again saddled with war lords and need to get 
rid of them.  In this time the big war lords are the military industrial 
complex.  We don't need a religion to do this, just the truth.

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