Vaj  wrote:

> On Apr 7, 2009, at 12:49 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> > What would the Muslim world have to gain from the attacks
> > anyway?
> Cause a hawkish US President of questionable intelligence to, as a  
> knee-jerk reaction, go into a war which drains the nation, forcing  
> it's economy into a tailspin AND gain support for recruiting  
> worldwide? The RADICAL Muslim world would have a lot to gain. The  
> moderate and progressive Muslim world would have a lot to lose.


I say, follow the money.  Who made more money off of the towers?  

1.  Seems to me that BushCo and the military industrial complex made the money. 

2.  The Arabs already had the oil, so maybe they thought that a "9/11" would 
raise the cost of oil almost to $150/barrel, which it did, but that wouldn't be 
a certainty in 2001 nearly as much as guaranteed profit from stealing Iraq's 
oil and "having the American Army guarding 1/3 of the world's oil for the 
eventual use of BushCo."  

3. It is well known that Saddam was going to start using the Euro instead of 
the dollar, and that would have massively devalued the dollar in the short term.

4. The owner of Building 7 had some insurance scam to profit from.  The towers 
had a lot of records -- the destruction of which could have gotten some profit 
for certain parties.  

5. Building 7 had a ton of "secrets" too that the CIA, FBI et al might have 
wanted destroyed.  

I think that the explosive chemical found in the dust was way too sophisticated 
to have been anything but a "military grade, nano-particle" concoction that 
simply couldn't happen by chance in an explosion that may or may not have had 
material in the towers to combine.  

We'll see if Obama or others pick up on these particles of explosive or not.  
What with Obama slowing down the inquiry into the Bush torture memos etc., it 
seems to me that Obama's of the mind that says:  "Better that our precious 
American not have yet another black mark upon it.  Let the Bush years fade a 
bit, and then I'll consider if we can take the impact of such a revelation."  

Or, Obama's been bought and paid for long ago.

Or, once he got elected, the powers that be finally told him some of the 
secrets that, if they but were known, would entirely set our country into a 
neverending roiling. 
For instance, what would happen to America if any of the below was 
authoritatively announced? 

1. That the towers' attack was entirely CIA or BushCo planned and executed.

2. Area 51 stuff like: Aliens are negotiating with the Chinese and won't talk 
to us "anymore."  Hee hee...what a concept, eh?  

3. The 100 MPG carburetor, 

4. The cheap way to make hydrogen, 

5. The fact that our antibiotics are about to be so useless that half the world 
will die of disease in the next few years, etc.

Or, he's got the burden of Lincoln and struggles mightily to get what can be 
gotten done for sure, and to hope that the future will give him opportunity to 
smack at some of the bigger targets.


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