Duveyoung wrote:
> I'm not sure you'd call me a meditator if you applied 
> some strict definition.  How would you sort out the 
> following list into meditators and non-meditators?
There's no such thing as 'TM', Edg - that's just a
term that was made up by the Marshy. And there's no
'TB' either, unless you're refering to the TurqyB as
a 'TB'. For all these years you apparently thought you
were onto something, but in fact, it was nothing. You
sold water down by the river.

The definition of meditation is 'to think things over',
so, in fact everyone meditates. There's probably not a
single person on the planet who doesn't think, and pause
once or twice to examine their own mind-stuff. And we're
transcending all the time, even without a technique.

There are no human 'non-meditators'. 

I guess you forgot to define meditation' Edg. You could 
have saved yourself a lot of time if you would 'think' 
before you post this kind of nonsense survey.


Can you cite a single think that would indicate that
there is transcending personal monad that could be
known or described in words?

> 1. Child staring into space -- lost in thought.
> 2. Adult staring into space -- lost in thought.
> 3. A person suddenly embarrassed and acutely aware of 
> the flushing etc.?
> 4. A person reading a sentence from Ramana's "Talks" 
> and rerunning it in the mind to see what sorts of other 
> thoughts are triggered thereby.
> 5. A Jewish person trying to make words out of the 
> letters that come up from Dreidle spins.
> 6. A person who takes come particular memory that is known 
> to cause an emotional response and rerunning that memory 
> until the triggering no longer occurs.
> 7. A person who starts crying when they see their guru 
> after a long hiatus.
> 8. An OCD person who is obsessed and absolutely must 
> count objects in sets.
> 9. A person who wonders what Jesus would do.
> 10. When Maharishi closed his eyes to rest them for a 
> few seconds.
> 11.  Someone who meditated a few minutes ago but has 
> taken a vow to never do so again.
> 12. A TM TB who meditates while under the influence 
> of a drug (caffeine, booze, weed, opium.)
> 13. Nab when he is writing up his posts.
> 14. Bevan when he sticks it repeatedly into a married 
> woman.
> 15. Larry Domesh looking at his spring bouncing up 
> and down and thinking about yin and yang.
> 16. A group of people who just heard several quick 
> bangs that sound like gunshots to them.
> 17. A person who's fallen down in the path of an 
> oncoming truck that cannot stop in time.
> 18. Bungie jumper a. on way down, b. on way back up 
> c. if the rope breaks.
> 19. Trikking for miles with a steady rhythm of carving 
> "mantras."
> 20. Edg thinking about some "He'd hit."
> 21. A person counting backwards as fast as she can.
> 22. Holding the breath until a swoon is experienced.g
> 23. Spinning until one is dizzy.
> 24. Doing a good deed without being caught in the act.
> 25. Yelling "God help me" as one falls down an elevator 
> shaft.
> 26. Yelling a mantra aloud at a barking dog.
> 27. Watching Larry Moe and Curly smacking each other 
> around and realizing it is a metaphor for American Business.
> 28. A person on his knees and waiting for the initiator 
> to say his mantra for the first time.
> 29. A person who uses the TM technique but got it for 
> free from a friend who taught it perfectly -- but only 
> by chance....not as a trained initiator.
> 30. A person who heart has stopped and breathing has 
> stopped and will dies in a few seconds but who manages 
> to have the last thought of taking the mantra once...
> and then losing consciousness.
> There that'll keep you busy.
> Edg

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