----- Original Message -----
From: authfriend
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 7:16 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Llundrub" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...> wrote:
> Not that one can be out of the phenomenal realm. But rather,
> as you suggested Judy, the desire isn't potent enough to make
> it a real go. I have no doubt that someone will break through.
> Someone who wants to hover enough.
> We have all been trying to create positive aspirations for
> the world for however many years now. And I think that
> aspiration superceeded the mere aspiration to just levitate.

You know, there's no way I want to levitate
badly enough to spend the time day after day
doing program.  It would be fun, and if
somebody were to hand it to me on a silver
platter, I'd take it.  But in and of itself,
it's not all that compelling.

Wnat I *do* want badly enough to spend the
time day after day doing program is to no
longer be overshadowed.  That was why I
started TM in the first place, and I've
continued because I'm making slow but
steady progress in that direction.

I'd be lying if I said I wanted to help
the world more than I wanted to not be
overshadowed, but there does seem to be a
reciprocal relationship: as I become less
overshadowed, I become more concerned about
the world.

But if somebody told me, Well, you have a
choice: by doing program you can *either*
help the world *or* no longer be overshadowed,
I think--or I'd like to think--that I'd continue
doing program, because being able to help the
world is a pretty good compensation for being

I don't know if any of that makes sense...
My main point was that being able to
levitate has never been why I do program.
If it ever happens, it'll be a nice bonus,
but it ain't the main event.

----I agree. I never thought of it like that, but I guess that's what it is.  For my whole life it was either you can have this but you have to give this up, or else.  For instance, I can be a chef but I have to work 60 hour weeks until I'm burnt.  Even if I do it then I'm in the pay range where I have to start making payments on my 100,000 dollars of student loans so basically I would be working the nenxt 30 years until I was seventy to just pay back my student loans with no money at this pay scale to even buy anything.  That's being overshadowed. 
But I guess you mean overshadowed in the sense of clarity and lightness of consciousness.  Well, so what I wrote isn't so far off the point because say I really really wanted TM products and courses, then I would have to work those hours to make the money to have enough left to do those things. Either - or. Or else. Oor else what? Or else I sit around and just do my dharma practices without any specific goal.
Why not do something else besides cook? Why why why. There's always why. Why not just start here to be myself and work from that?  From here right now, I am working on not being snuffed out by circumstances. I consider myself a test of what meditation can or cannot do in the modern world.  So far meditation hasn't beated morphine or weed for me for getting through the day.
But I'm hoping in this Sad Yuga I can turn it around and stay high and sober. I understand the not being overshadowed part. Overshadowed is the devil.

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