--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
Thanks for the reply. This is a more plausible interpretation of what Earl 
said. If this is what he intended to say (jury still out for me) 
then I have fewer if any issues with his letter. 
Some comments below.

> Tart, the mechanics have to do with what is supposed to happen when shakti is 
> awakened, and what happens when it's awakened incorrectly. When shakti is 
> correctly awakened, prana is controlled and directed to break through the 
> bottom end of central channel, rising in a straight, culminating line towards 
> the third eye and the crown bindu, the summit. 

Are you saying kundalini preceeds prana? If so, I suggest that its the reverse. 
Prana is first balanced in ida and pingali, this then enables flow of prana up 
shushuma (often this is mistaken for kundalini). Then, kundalini can awaken and 

>When it's awakened incorrectly, it leaves it's home at the muladhara-chakra 
>and short-circuits up the vajra-nadi (or another less likely route), which 
>directly activates the dalas or crown petals. When siddhis are directly 
>cultivated, it activates these dalas along with their associated brain areas 
>and virtually assures an imbalanced arising. It's the path of least resistance 
>for shakti yet it cannot reach the makara-bindu where samadhi begins or it's 
>culmination in the crown-bindu: unity. 
> As samskaras and doshas accumulate in this new groove, the way to awakening 
> is blocked, and the samskaras of vyutthana, the outward-stroke, are enhanced. 
> As the tradition of Shankara puts it, the path to Unity in this lifetime is 
> lost. They even go so far as to single out "yogic flying".

I found the rapid and deep cycles of breath in TMSP much like AoL sahdarshan 
kriya. Huge amounts of prana are injected into the system with TMSP. 

With regards to TM and channels, MMY said (I heard in person), ida, pingali and 
shushuma are very narrow, like 1/100 of diameter of a human hair. Prana cannot 
normally arise in them, it is too "thick". In TM breath becomes very fine, and 
this enables prana to become very refined, "thinner" and then it can arise in 
these channels.

And separately, he said, as is common knowledge in most yoga circles, that 
pranayam (as well as asanas to a degree) balance the flow of prana in ida and 

So with pranayam, TMSP spontaneous deep and rapid breathing, and TM refined 
breath and prana, there appears to be all of the tools needed for a creating 
free flow of prana in the shusmua -- which then enables balanced flow of 

> So I'm guessing this probably isn't what you thought it meant: it's not so 
> much about blatant vampirism, but a scarring of consciousness at the pranic 
> level, causing the person to stop evolving and enter a type of servitude. So 
> in a sense, a disreputable teacher can use this to keep students sticking 
> around, and therefore "syphoning off their energy", for what they want, their 
> "world plans".
> Fortunately, most people who once did the TMSP, have long since quit.
> Interestingly of the two primary TM successors, Deepak Chopra and SSRS, only 
> Chopra (I am told) continued to instruct in siddhi cultivation. In fact SSRS 
> actually added a rigourous pranayama, the traditional prerequisite for mantra 
> meditation.

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