--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> > Rory, wrong is wrong. If someone rolls you in an ally and steals your 
> > wallet, should you heal his soot-particles with unconditional love or have 
> > him arrested? Loving the thief unconditionally might make *you* feel better 
> > but it won't stop him from robbing again. 

* * * How do you know? Actually, I have been finding just that: that loving my 
particles unconditionally *does* "stop them from robbing again."

Raunchy: It's like house training a puppy. Saying, "No! Bad dog" doesn't mean I 
don't love my dog unconditionally, it just means I'm correcting undesirable 
behavior. Otherwise, how would the miscreants of FFLife know that it's not O.K. 
to pee on the floor?

* * * Hey, go for it, if you're enjoying yourself and you believe your actions 
are achieving the desired results; as you say, what I am speaking of does not 
really pertain to any specific recommendations of external action or inaction, 
as much as being the most effective way I have found to actually "show 
miscreants the light".

> > I generally find that ultimately, our healing of the soot-particles or 
> > demons we see "out there" rests in taking full responsibility for our 
> > universe and giving easy, loving awareness to these beings as they exist in 
> > our own attention-field, made up of our own consciousness. I find that 
> > continuing to demonize them as horrible, not-self miscreants actually 
> > increases their resistance, for we are denying them the light of our 
> > unconditional love, endarkening them rather than enlightening them. What we 
> > resist, persists.
> > 
> > That's how and why loving our enemies actually works -- through 
> > unconditional love and simple awareness we get to melt all of those demons 
> > back into angels, into our children, into ourselves. As we treat the least 
> > of them, so we treat ourselves, for they really consist of nothing but our 
> > own awareness, trapped helpless inside that Ego of suffering, of separatist 
> > pain.
> > 
> > But as you say, YMMV, and FWIW I am utterly OK with that, and with you, 
> > just as you are. My apologies for the sermon; it is only to myself! I love 
> > you!
> > 
> > *stepping back down off the soap-box now*
> >

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