On Apr 25, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Ravi Yogi wrote:

>> Osho, aka Rajneesh, was a Nitrous Oxide addict who also had a love of  
>> marijuana milkshakes and Valium. Some of his books are said to have  
>> been dictated while under Nitrous from a local dentist.
> This is so hilarious in it's outrageousness. Vaj, the one trick parrot with 
> his daily choking routine of parroted stuff, with the daily discourses on the 
> Parama Vakra Gita, messiah of the fallen TM'ers - good to have your comedy 
> routine back.

I'm not "parroting" anything Ravee. It's just what I know from having talked to 
Rajneesh followers, that's all.

If anyone needs a new comedy routine...dude it's you. Sorry, it ain't workin'...

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