--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> RESPONSE: Admittedly it is "a desperate situation to be in", but you know how 
> we missionaries think: maybe only one of the natives converts to Jesus, but 
> think of that: ONE SOUL SAVED FOR ETERNITY. So I must push on here, Tom, 
> hoping that something equivalent to the One Percent Effect will eventually 
> kick in, and people, without knowing why, will find themselves in accordance 
> with everything I say. Sure, it seems like a pipe dream right now; but as 
> Maharishi says, even if you have to drain the ocean one drop at a time, you 
> still must go on. I shall go on. I am the Don Quixote of FFL.
> >

So, what would you say to this Catholic Priest who teaches TM to children?



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