On Jun 24, 2011, at 1:10 PM, sparaig wrote:

--- I
> n FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> [...]
>> RESPONSE: Admittedly it is "a desperate situation to be in", but you know 
>> how we missionaries think: maybe only one of the natives converts to Jesus, 
>> but think of that: ONE SOUL SAVED FOR ETERNITY. So I must push on here, Tom, 
>> hoping that something equivalent to the One Percent Effect will eventually 
>> kick in, and people, without knowing why, will find themselves in accordance 
>> with everything I say. Sure, it seems like a pipe dream right now; but as 
>> Maharishi says, even if you have to drain the ocean one drop at a time, you 
>> still must go on. I shall go on. I am the Don Quixote of FFL.
> So, what would you say to this Catholic Priest who teaches TM to children?

Are they his children?  If so, I'd say, "Right on!"
There's got to be some normal ones out there.


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