--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
<anartaxius@...> wrote:
> By the way, I have never heard the Stones' song mentioned 
> at the beginning of this post. I looked up the lyrics 
> though, and guess what, I can kind of see why Barry likes 
> it. It is not my cup of tea. If he can see spiritual 
> development stages in it, fine. I do not. 

No problem. What I saw in the song was my subjective
experience. I wasn't trying to sell it to anyone. 

But I will explain it a little, because that gives me
the opportunity to bring up a neat topic: Walking Away.
Having run into a forum of former Rama students, some 
of whom walked away from him and others who hung in
there until the end, and had him walk away from them,
I've been reading some of their Walking Away stories
lately. The moments in which the long strange trip that
was studying with Rama ended for them. "Angie" struck 
me as an appropriate soundtrack for many of these 
heartfelt stories.

There is a bittersweet quality about the moment of 
Walking Away. Such moments have that quality whether
you are walking away from a long-time lover or walking
away from a long-time spiritual teacher. I think that 
Jagger and Richards did an admirable job of capturing
the poignancy of such mutual walking away moments. 


> Oh, I am soooo not special. I flunked the test. Take pity 
> upon my wretched mundane soul*.

Don't be such a drama queen. No such putdown was ever
intended, nor do I think it even existed. Some hear
a rock song and it has no meaning or emotional loading
for them; some hear it and it clicks a circuit on in
their brains and unlocks a set of memories and emotions
for them. No harm, no foul either way IMO. I mean, there
are probably people on this forum who cannot comprehend
why I don't get all choked up and emotional and bhaktified
when I hear Paul McCartney's "Cosmically Conscious." They 
can hear something special in the song, something that 
makes it meaningful to them. I cannot. So even if the 
putdown you imagined were true, in this case I'm the 
person who is not "special."  :-)


Then again, "Cosmically Conscious" has gotten 44,144
hits on YouTube. The two versions of "Angie" on YouTube
have gotten 15,293,646. Which of those numbers in your 
opinion indicates "specialness" and which does not?

See? Does not compute. It's not quantifiable. You either 
groove with a song or you don't. Being special has nothing 
to do with it.

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