Fun to watch Curtis (and Edg, but to a lesser extent
because he isn't immediately involved) stand on his
head to avoid seeing what's actually going on here,
exercising his creative powers to the utmost to come
up with an alternate story line that will allow him
to feel less bad about himself.

Two hints: (1) Not looking for a guru in Curtis; and
(2) anger *per se* isn't the problem. It's the Hulk-
like transformation the anger triggers that's the
problem. Or maybe Jekyll/Hyde is a better analogy.

At any rate, Curtis might find it of benefit to do
some reading/thinking about Jung's recommendation
to acknowledge and ultimately accept one's Shadow
side. If you can make friends with your Shadow, 
you're a lot more likely to get it to work with you
rather than against you.

--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Curtis,
> > 
> > Have you considered that Judy is like Guru Dev when he was looking for a 
> > guru?  He got that one guru angry, and Guru Dev said something like:  "This 
> > guy's anger proves he isn't fully enlightened, so he's not the guru I 
> > seek."  
> Edg my brother, don't get me started again on the hideous story of a poor boy 
> who left home searching for a "perfect" father sold as a wonderful spiritual 
> tale of his greatness. A boy so scarred by life with a family that he left 
> his home and faced starvation rather than face another day of...what?  What 
> adult bastard caused a young boy so much pain that he needed to leave his 
> home? And what family life life him so scarred that he led a life of homeless 
> camping behind the KFC in the state park?  Away from people, never to be with 
> people, to hell with people...
> Sorry man, I get lost in that dark trance sometimes.  The miracle story 
> manufactured from obvious neglect and probable abuse.  Plus his family was 
> rich enough to find the kid.  Why didn't they?
> OK back again.  Let me focus.  Judy like Guru Dev...through her dedication to 
> hostility busting down people for, what was her last complaint about 
> me...trying to be Mr. Wonderbread was it?  No it was close though, Mr. 
> Wonderful, that's it.  She was taking me down for trying to present an 
> impression that I am a wonderful human being full of the light of God and 
> optimism that I can spread my music to the world or at least an improvement 
> on those crappy sugary drinks pawned off as Chaipirinias in Mall bars.  I'm 
> having a little trouble following you here although the idea that some 
> misfortune in the past my be the shared cause for aniti-social tendencies 
> might be a rich vein to explore...
> > 
> > Gotta give that which pokes ya and irks ya a deep bow just for rubbing your 
> > nose in a crippling attachment even if the messenger is all puffy egoic 
> > about it.
> Yes the "petty tyrant" of Castaneda novels fame. I always gave her credit for 
> pissing me off enough to write.  But I am not a fan of the "attachment as 
> bad" thoery.  I am not on any path that seeks to lessen attachment, I am 
> hungry for more of it. 
> Anything I learned from interacting with Judy could have been accomplished 
> without the rancorous bullshit.  That was all unnecessary IMO.  But she has 
> picked out her sheets, the comforter with the Victorian flower print duvet 
> cover and the edge ruffles (which seems unwise in these days of bed bug 
> threats) and now she props herself up on no less than 15 pillows each 
> depicting a moral lesson from the classic: I Am SO Much More Ethical Than You 
> Are, penned by the inventor of the male chastity belt.
> > 
> > Except of course, unless Judy criticizes me, then I'm like you.
> > 
> > Sigh.....
> The display of honesty and self-effacing truth that makes me proud to be your 
> friend Edg.
> > 
> > Edg
> > 
> > --- In, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > Busy, busy, Sour Plum.  So much rancor to spread but the numbers of posts 
> > > are burning so fast.  Who else needs correction, who else needs to be put 
> > > in their place...and all around her enemies in collusion, yes enemies who 
> > > plot to burn up her posts with things that need correction, so much 
> > > scolding to dole out, so many personal flaws to expose to the innocent 
> > > world which can't be trusted on its own to come to the righteous 
> > > conclusions of the Sour Plum.  Oh and the need for hostile challenges 
> > > just grows on all sides between the enemies plotting together, in 
> > > collusion, and no one else can see how bad it all is, they must be warned 
> > > but that will burn up more posts...
> > > 
> > > (I submit this for approval from my Dark Lord who is training me in the 
> > > black arts of the "wisecrack".)
> > >  
> > >
> >

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