Curtis, you keep *proving my point*. When you get angry,
you go blind. I can't count the number of misreadings
of what I've said in what you write below. You're
responding to posts you wrote in your own mind and
attributed to me, not to my actual posts. How much of
that is willful and how much is due to the red spots
in front of your eyes, I couldn't say.

--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > Fun to watch Curtis (and Edg, but to a lesser extent
> > because he isn't immediately involved) stand on his
> > head to avoid seeing what's actually going on here,
> > exercising his creative powers to the utmost to come
> > up with an alternate story line that will allow him
> > to feel less bad about himself.
> So the mission of the sour plum is to help assist me feeling badly about 
> myself?  So noble, so kind. So you.
> > 
> > Two hints: (1) Not looking for a guru in Curtis; and
> > (2) anger *per se* isn't the problem. It's the Hulk-
> > like transformation the anger triggers that's the
> > problem. Or maybe Jekyll/Hyde is a better analogy.
> Off my schtick for a moment here.  Your complaint is ridiculously pointed at 
> me for the most human quality of reacting angrily to hostility and (what 
> seems to me) unfair attack.  There is nothing hulk-like about this switch.  
> Posters get from me what they give.  Sometimes the switch is between a few 
> different posts as with Jim who can start a rancorous debate and then in a 
> few posts we are complimenting each other.  You more than anyone here has an 
> agenda to get my goat and when you succeed you claim it as a personality 
> defect rather than the natural reaction that you yourself share here.  You 
> are trying to demonize me for trying to gain rapport with people here (that 
> is being Mr. Wonderful) and then reacting defensively when attacked.  And a 
> typical cycle of triggers is if any poster has a run of too many positive 
> posts with me.  It seems to unhinge you.
> > 
> > At any rate, Curtis might find it of benefit to do
> > some reading/thinking about Jung's recommendation
> > to acknowledge and ultimately accept one's Shadow
> > side. If you can make friends with your Shadow, 
> > you're a lot more likely to get it to work with you
> > rather than against you.
> First of all please don't attempt to couch your malevolent intentions toward 
> me as some kind of exercise in opening my eyes to greater self knowledge.  
> You don't have the empathy skills needed, or even the core level kindness 
> toward other people that would be required.  You are not a people person 
> Judy.  It reveals itself again and again in your low emotional intelligence 
> displayed in your posts. 
> And secondly, for you to chastise me for having "anger triggers".  From a 
> person who is the most high maintenance, fly-off-the-handle on any given 
> phrase, soaring on the wings of her self-righteous claim to moral 
> superiority, often screechingly angry posters here,I say 
> (re-engage schtick)
> Sour, sour plum. 

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