--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Xeno, I have zero interest in either Andrew Skolnick
> or John Knapp, or in discussing what you or anyone 
> else thinks about them. Neither person has really 
> been part of my life for many, many years. Don't 
> you think it would be odd and kind of obsessive for 
> me to still care about them, much less still care 
> enough to try to convince people to think of them 
> the same way I do?

How long has it been since MMY was part of your life,
again? How about Lenz?

> Get it? That's what Judy is doing. She's still so
> obsessed with these people -- and with me -- that 
> she cannot differentiate things that happened over
> a decade ago from what happened yesterday.

You're still happening, dude. (In a manner of speaking,
that is.)

And as I've already pointed out, Skolnick's and Knapp's
anti-TM crusades are *ongoing*. They're still happening
as well.

> obsession is such that in her mind these people 
> who she once developed a grudge against are still 
> "attacking her" in the present, even though they 
> probably forgot her very existence years ago.

Um, no, not Skolnick, at least not as far as I know,
not in public anyway (I'd be surprised if he hadn't
discussed me with Vaj, though, that is if Vaj is
telling the truth about his relationship with

Knapp did attack me two years ago right here on FFL.

But their attacks on me were never the point. The
point is their integrity or lack of same.

> A measure of how obsessed she really is is that 
> whenever someone says the truth -- that these people 
> have better things to do than remember Judy Stein --
> she reacts by insisting that they're still as obsessed 
> with her as she *obviously* is with them.

Um, no, they're no more obsessed with me than I am
with them. There's a difference between *remembering*
and *being obsessed with*. There's no question they'd
*remember* me. And if you were to mention me to either
of them, they'd almost certainly have some very
negative things to say about me, just as I have some
very negative things to say about them when they're

(In Knapp's interactions with me two years ago, the
last time he paid a visit to FFL, he made it very clear
he recalls our arguments on alt.m.t; he also remembers
our interactions on his TM-Free blog several years ago.)

 The only 
> person obsessed, as far as I can tell, is Judy Stein. 
> It's as if these grudges based on a few arguments on
> a couple of forums that no one reads anyway were so 
> important to her -- and to her image of who she is --
> that she can't let go of them.

And yet look at you. You constantly bring up MMY and
go on and on about him. I very rarely *bring up*
Skolnick and Knapp myself, although I'll write about
them when someone else does.

As of a year ago, Skolnick was still crusading against
TM. Knapp is still doing so as well, albeit in the
context of "cultic abuse" generally. Here's a diary
he wrote just this past March on his new Web site:



> Who, after all, has had a life so devoid of real
> accomplishments that she feels the need to consistently
> try to get other people to go back and reread stuff she 
> posted ten or more years ago on an obscure Internet 
> forum read by at most a couple of dozen people? These 
> inane arguments are her *accomplishments* in life? 
> That's pretty fuckin' sad.

Er, except what I've been suggesting Xeno do is to go
back and read stuff that Knapp and Skolnick posted. And
not just ten years ago.

Not sure where you get the notion that I consider 
arguments I've had on Internet forums to be my only
accomplishments in life, or even the more important
accomplishments in my life. That's your fantasy, not
the reality.

Bottom line, except for your first two sentences,
everything you've said in this post is wrong, either
because you haven't been paying attention, or because
you've chosen to tell falsehoods. Not to mention the
hypocrisy of your demonizations in light of your own
behavior here with regard to MMY.

Time to stop digging, dude.

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