--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> You're dealing with a person so demented that she'd lie
> about why Ravi was removed from this forum, claiming
> that it was because he "revealed someone's real name."
> I am *amazed* that no one called her on this, but then
> most are aware of what I said above, and just don't want
> to interface with her at all.
> Rick didn't remove Ravi from the forum because he 
> revealed the real name of a poster here; that is
> ludicrous.

"[Ravi] was booted...for intentionally and repeatedly
violating the FFL guidelines about posting the real
names and personal details of those who prefer to
remain anonymous."--Rick Archer, 1/11/12


> If she'll lie about this, she'll lie about anything.

Barry hasn't been called the Master of Inadvertent
Irony for nothing. If he'll accuse someone of lying
when he knows not only that the person was being
perfectly truthful but also that the proof that she
was being perfectly truthful is on the record in the
FFL archive in the form of a post from the owner of
the forum, easily retrieved to document his lie, 
he'll lie about anything (and does).

The rest of his post is also crammed full of lies,
which most here will recognize as such, so I won't
bother to refute them.

It's a sickness from which Barry has been suffering
ever since I first encountered him 17 years ago. And
it's been getting worse and worse as he ages.

He likes to claim I've "held a grudge" for 17 years,
but that of course makes no sense when he's continued
to lie about me and others for 17 years.

> what did Ravi do? He Google-bombed this person such that
> when you Google his name, several FFL topics pop to the
> top of the list that claim he's a pervert or molester.
> THAT is what Ravi did to get kicked off of FFL.

That may or may not have been taken into consideration,
but the fact is that the proximate cause of Ravi being
booted was that he had revealed someone else's name.

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