We are also aware that Osama bin Laden was trained the the U.S. in the 1980's...
Further was are aware that when U.S. forces had bin Laden in their sights, in 
Tora Bora, back in November of 2001, and reinforcments were need and not sent 
in time, and allowed him, bin Laden to escape...
This allowed a certain degree fear and trepidation to be used by the Bush 
Administration repeatedly to not only prop up the 'need' to invade Iraq...but 
also, to help Bush get re-elected in 2004, after bin Laden released a taped 
message, the weekend before that election...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii_99@...> wrote:
> This guy is a disappointing example of a Navy Seal...
> In that he is disrepecting his commander in chief...
> And, because he is disrespecting the his oath of loyalty to his commrades of 
> confidentiality...
> He is making money off of this book, and so we know that his motives are 
> suspect on all levels...

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