Could be...I remember Bush saying that he wasn't worried about him anymore, 
when asked back around that time...

--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> Sorry but I think bin Laden is a myth more than anything else.  He's 
> sorta like the "villain" of many spy novels and has been propagandized 
> to that extent that anyone aware of such tactics would notice.  If you 
> do then you get called a "conspiracy theorist" and even that is part of 
> the tactic.  I've heard from too many sources that bin Laden was 
> actually killed at Tora Bora but not enough was left of his body for the 
> military to claim it.   Makes sense to me as also the idea that keeping 
> him "alive" in the public eye was useful to the military industrial 
> complex to keep the American sheeple in fear so that they would support 
> all kinds of excessive defense spending all to line pockets of the rich 
> pigs who run it.
> On 08/29/2012 11:56 PM, Robert wrote:
> > We are also aware that Osama bin Laden was trained the the U.S. in the 
> > 1980's...
> > Further was are aware that when U.S. forces had bin Laden in their sights, 
> > in Tora Bora, back in November of 2001, and reinforcments were need and not 
> > sent in time, and allowed him, bin Laden to escape...
> > This allowed a certain degree fear and trepidation to be used by the Bush 
> > Administration repeatedly to not only prop up the 'need' to invade 
> > Iraq...but also, to help Bush get re-elected in 2004, after bin Laden 
> > released a taped message, the weekend before that election...
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Robert" <babajii_99@> wrote:
> >> This guy is a disappointing example of a Navy Seal...
> >> In that he is disrepecting his commander in chief...
> >> And, because he is disrespecting the his oath of loyalty to his commrades 
> >> of confidentiality...
> >> He is making money off of this book, and so we know that his motives are 
> >> suspect on all levels...
> >>
> >
> >

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