--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > It is also worth pointing out that, now that Vaj's
> > > credibility as someone who was actually there has
> > > been verified by someone else who was there, Ann
> > > has been in touch via email with many other people
> > > from the former hierarchy of Robin's cult whom Vaj 
> > > might have known in the past, revealing how to get
> > > in touch with him. They have now been hounding him 
> > > trying to get him to talk on the telephone with them. 
> > > As Vaj commented to me, "Thanks, Ann...not."
> > 
> > Your friend Vaj has been lying to you or you are 
> > purposefully skewing the truth Mr Wright. I have 
> > never given anyone Vaj's personal contact information. 
> > Anyone who has been in touch with Mr Vaj is either a 
> > family member or Lord Knows. All of whom knew how to 
> > contact him anyway. So this I can tell you, is an out 
> > and out lie by Vaj and by yourself. Now who has the agenda?
> I am merely passing along what I have been told. If it
> is incorrect, my bad. But it certainly seems believable
> to me, given how much you still seem to obsess on Robin
> and those of your fellow cultists who still seem to be 
> unwilling to admit, even as a possibility, "We were young, 
> naive, and stupid, and we got taken in by a charismatic 
> charlatan."
> I would say that *your* credibility is more established
> by you still thinking of your fellow cultists as "us"
> and as "family" -- 25 years later - and still obsessing 
> on the cult and its founder by stalking him than by 
> anything else.
> I'm still aghast that *anyone* would have been taken
> in by him and his act in the first place. But to still
> be hanging around acting like a groupie, trying to get 
> him to notice you? NOT something that makes me want to 
> interact with you. 
> Have you *looked up* Squeaky Fromme? Do you know who
> you are being compared to? 
> [ That last is a rhetorical question. I'm replying to
> this just in case I was given misinformation about your
> role in setting fellow stalkers on Vaj's ass. I doubt
> that this is the case, but just in case. I will *not*,
> however, read anything of yours in the future, or feel
> as if I owe you any kind of response, should you feel
> compelled to make one. Are we clear on this? You've
> been dumped. Try to handle it better than Judy has. ]

The Fox Noise machine trains voters to decide who is telling the truth by using 
their gut. Steven calls it *truthiness*… "a quality characterizing a "truth" 
that a person claims to know intuitively "from the gut" or because it "feels 
right" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts. 

Barry has become a victim of *truthiness.* He has no evidence to support or 
refute anything Vaj says, he just *feels* it's true. Barry is a True Believer. 
Who knew? I fear what would happen to Barry if he suddenly found out Vaj is a 

P.S. Barry. Oops! I forgot to sign out of another account and accidentally sent 
this message to you via private email. Oh well, it can happen to anyone, even 
Dan Friedman.

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