--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> Let's try to straighten out the mess that Xeno and
> Barry have made of the past history here. Xeno at
> least has gone to the trouble of reading some of the
> posts in question, although he's still in some
> confusion; Barry doesn't care whether he gets things
> right as long as the details he presents conform to
> the story *he* wants to tell, so he never bothers to
> check his facts, he just makes it up as he goes along.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> > <anartaxius@> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Ann's first post was on January 15, 2012 #301897.
> > > > She was responding to a post by Robin wherein he was 
> > > > responding to Vaj. She said she was present at the time 
> > > > Vaj said he was with Robin and disputed Vaj's claim.
> > 
> > Which, it should be pointed out, Robin shortly
> > thereafter admitted to be true. He did, in fact,
> > physically strike his students, although he 
> > still claimed it was a gentle push.
> Ann did not dispute Vaj's claim that Robin had struck
> his students in her first post. All she said--addressing
> the group, not Robin specifically, until a brief comment
> at the end--was that she had found her experience with
> Robin's group very valuable.
> What Robin acknowledged about a week later was that in
> the early days of his group, well before he ever started
> giving seminars, he had on rare occasions, at informal
> gatherings in their private residence, struck a few of
> his followers in the course of confrontations. He
> described these incidents as similar to what a Zen master
> would do. Nobody was physically harmed. That was in this
> post:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/302421
> Robin never said anything about a "gentle push." Barry
> made that up.
> Robin made this post because of how seriously Vaj and
> Barry had been distorting Robin's past history (which
> they continue to do).
> > He then switched to claiming that Vaj had never
> > been present at any of his talks, and thus was
> > (wait for it...you've never heard this before)
> > a LIAR.
> No, Robin didn't "switch to claiming" this. He'd 
> disputed that Vaj had ever been around Robin's group
> from the beginning.
> > Which has again subsequently been disproved,
> No, it has not been "disproved." A counterclaim has
> been made--by a person who, like Vaj, bears Robin
> great ill will--but no proof has been offered.
> And remember that Ann, who was in the thick of things
> when Vaj claimed to have been there, doesn't remember
> him either.
>  by
> > someone who confirmed that not only was Vaj present,
> > but that one of the people Robin struck said that "he 
> > thought his jaw might have been broken by the force 
> > of the blow."
> Robin hasn't addressed this claim. Ann described the
> incident in question in post #302425. As far as she
> knew--and she was one of two camera operators videotaping
> all the seminars--this was the only such incident.
> Ann made this post only a few minutes after Robin had
> made the post described above, not yet having read
> Robin's post. (She had not been at the early gatherings
> Robin described in any case; she didn't join the group
> until Robin was holding forth at MIU.)
> Robin made his last post to FFL the next day, having
> encountered some incredibly offensive and vicious
> fallout--from Curtis in particular--from his attempt to
> give an honest account of how he'd conducted himself
> 30-some years ago, sparing himself no blame.
> > > I must have seen this post, but had no exact recollection 
> > > of it. The post you mentioned, I never had read. I have 
> > > read it now. Ann was responding to Susan, who was 
> > > apologising, as Susan thought Ann had come onto FFL at 
> > > Robin's instigation,
> A number of people who did not wish Robin well were
> indulging in that speculation.
> > > which Ann denied, but Ann certainly 
> > > seemed to come on to FFL as a result of Robin's now 
> > > posting on FFL. This is what I remembered, rather 
> > > imperfectly. However in this post you dug up Ann does 
> > > say she had no agenda. 
> No, there's no "but" here, no "seemed," and no "however."
> Ann said explicitly that she had come to FFL as a result
> of seeing Robin's posts; and she did so on her own hook,
> having had no communication with Robin for over 25 years.
> This is all as clear as crystal from what Ann has told us.
> Now, Xeno, if you want to accuse Ann of lying, have the
> guts to do it straight out, to her face. Stop with the
> little hints and insinuations and attempts to muddy
> what Ann has said.

I had other things on my mind, I had no thought that Ann was lying, it never 
crossed my mind. I still do not think Vaj made a case that he was with Robin at 
any time. I was not thinking of this exchange about Vaj's presence or absence, 
only that there was an obvious connexion between Ann and Robin, and *that* past 
history was a motivation for her to come online here. I think you cleared up 
that issue pretty well.

Back off, you are reading too much into my intent, which is far less than you 
seem to imply. I have no ill thoughts toward Ann at all. I have no negative 
impressions of her. I have not read enough of her posts to have an informed 
opinion of her, and you pretty well made that evident. Your mind seems 
programmed to make out hints where none exist. On the plus side, your finding 
errors in my recollection and fixing them does not bother me. You have been 
battling with Barry for almost two decades, and you need to get out of this 
witch hunt habit of calling everyone who makes factual errors a liar, or even 
with those who disagree with you also. It makes your credibility suspicious 
when it goes overboard.

If you still have a gripe you can take it up with my lawyers at Sucme & Dye LLP

> > It is also worth pointing out that, now that Vaj's
> > credibility as someone who was actually there has
> > been verified by someone else who was there, Ann
> > has been in touch via email with many other people
> > from the former hierarchy of Robin's cult whom Vaj 
> > might have known in the past, revealing how to get
> > in touch with him. They have now been hounding him 
> > trying to get him to talk on the telephone with them. 
> > As Vaj commented to me, "Thanks, Ann...not."
> And this, we now find out from Ann, is a lie--whether
> Vaj's or Barry's, we can't be sure.
> The bottom line is that the few people here who have
> a beef against Robin, for whatever reason, are not to
> be trusted, whether because they have no compunctions
> about lying or because they have trouble keeping
> things straight in their minds.

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