Turquoise is right. Sometimes people land at FFL because they need a place to 
act out their pathologies, and they think they can do it here without suffering 
any real-world repercussions. But it does tend to pollute our environment here. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > This is not a fair fight Curtis.  Cut him some slack.
> > 
> > That was my mistake last time Steve.  I believed that. 
> > 
> > I appreciate your balancing comments and genuine affection 
> > for the guy though.  I've got a harder climb on that score.  
> > My sights are just focused on containment of damage this 
> > time around.  
> As long as we've stopped pulling punches, we might
> as well lay the blame for Ravi having once again
> disrupted this forum and brought it down to his
> level where it belongs -- with Rick.
> Rick has now -- possibly in an attempt to be the 
> "nice guy" he'd like to be perceived as -- allowed
> two people who would be better placed in mental
> hospitals to roam around here free, declaring 
> their Enemies Lists, making actual threats, and
> most important, *getting worse themselves*. 
> Is there any *question* that Ravi has grown more
> insane since returning to FFL, and being placed
> in a position of being able once again to troll 
> for other people's attention? Is there any 
> *question* that Dan Friedman has done the same 
> thing, and is at this point dangerous to
> himself and others.
> All of this because Rick wants to be a "nice guy"
> rather than actually PAY SOME ATTENTION to 
> what is happening on the forum he created, and 
> what the crazy trolls are doing to it. 
> Alex, you were possibly privy to any "agreement"
> between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying 
> to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
> not fling it around like monkeys. My bet is that 
> Ravi was allowed to come back on the condition 
> that he not start attacking Curtis and other 
> people again, and that Dan was allowed to stay 
> on the condition that he stop making threats
> of actual, physical violence against people here.
> Do you think either of those things happened?
> It's sad to see this place returned to the snake
> pit it was a few months ago. It's even sadder to
> realize that on some level the reason it has is
> that Rick seems to prefer it that way.

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