--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Alex, you were possibly privy to any "agreement"
> between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying 
> to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
> not fling it around like monkeys. 

The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi. I did not get a 
subscription request; all I got was a notice that he was now a subscriber, 
which means Rick sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.

WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity filled posts, and Rick 
told me to nuke him. When I received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed 
Dan, I wrote back to him with this: "After that string of profanity filled 
posts the other day, Rick told me to boot you off FFL. You are no longer 
subscribed, and anything you try to post will not go through." After that, it 
was between Dan and Rick.

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