--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@...> wrote:
> Salyavin:
> Are you by any chance a clinical psychologist? You conduct psychotherapy? The 
> only reason i ask is because of the thoughtful and complex reflections you 
> share with us here on FFL--I am referring especially to your remarks about 
> people. They are certainly sensitive and wise.

I told you Robin, I have a gift for summing things up. What you
don't see are the thoughtful and complex reflections that go into
my remarks. Or do I just shoot my mouth off when I see another
tedious attempt to kick start a defunct argument? Which is closer
to truth, better to think or better just to act? I think that no-one
really thinks but we just have spontaneous thoughts and then act and attempt to 
justify them later. Hmmm, I must have thought about that
at some point.....

> You were dead wrong about AWB--as your subsequently communication with her 
> proved. (Although you would never acknowledge this.)

Anne is, like most people on here I should think, most likely a very
pleasant person when you get to know her. Doesn't mean I'm not too  because I'm 
an asshole occasionally, or you or anyone.

> This is classic Salyavin--and it is one of those impulses of yours which did 
> not travel through the more subtle parts of your brain.

Yeah, I am a class act....
> I knew you would like that.
> Life will never ask you to bear anymore reality than you can, Salyavin.

And I'm guessing you think that reading and inwardly obsessing
on every post about Share said this and Robin said that will
teach me something about reality that I don't already know?

> But this, this was a beaut.
> Thanks.

No worries mate, normally I wouldn't bother even reading as
far as I did but you do go on and keep digging up the rubbish
that - I can promise you - no-one else gives a shit about. But
you can if that's your bag. 

> Robin

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