Relapse, Salyavin. I thought we talked this through together. Find the 
ice-cream first.

--- In, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Emily I think the main cult characteristics are thinking
> > > the cult and its leader are almost all positive.  AND what
> > > I've come to think is an even more telling indicator of 
> > > cultishness,  thinking that those who don't agree with the
> > > cult and its leader are almost all negative.  So when the
> > > writing of a FFL person expresses such extremely polarized 
> > > thinking, then I think that person is fundamentally aligned
> > > with the group I've been calling wts.
> > 
> > There is no such thing as "wts" as you originally defined
> > What I see here on FFL around Robin is a mini and cyber
> > version of WTS, what I think of as wts."
> > 
> > This was and is absolutely the worst kind of bullshit, SICK
> > bullshit, PERVERTED bullshit.
> Are you in the same ward as Ravi?
> > Now let's look at some more of your bullshit:
> > 
> > > For example, Judy has labeled me the most toxic person
> > 
> > Liar. I said you were the most toxic person *I* had ever
> > encountered. But you deliberately left that part off to
> > make it sound more extreme than it was.
> > 
> > > AND labeled Robin's WTS intentions the absolute highest
> > > and purest. I think these phrases indicate extremely
> > > polarized thinking as expressed by the use of verbal
> > > superlatives.
> > 
> > And here's another: This is TOTAL bullshit from you,
> > Share. It makes no sense. It isn't even remotely logical.
> > Everybody engages in what you're calling "polarized
> > thinking"--INCLUDING YOU--when it seems appropriate. If
> > it *is* appropriate, there's not a thing wrong with it.
> > It's just one of the ways people express themselves.
> > 
> > That I think Robin's intentions were of the highest and
> > purest when he was leading WTS (along with the
> > intentions of his followers) does not mean I think Robin
> > was or is somehow a perfect human being.
> > 
> > But that is the SICK, PERVERTED way you're interpreting
> > what I said. THAT is "polarized thinking" that is 
> > 
> > > The problem with such extremely polarized thinking IMO is
> > > that it totally misses an essential truth about us human
> > > beings, which is that we are all a mix of positive and
> > > negative and that most of us are mostly positive with a a
> > > glitch or two thrown in to keep us embodied and growing.
> > > And some of us have more and or bigger glitches.
> > 
> > Yes, show us where any of those you've accused of being
> > cultists have ever thought that we are not all a mix of
> > positive and negative.
> > 
> > You can't. You're just mouthing psychobabble you've
> > picked up from one of your many, many "healers." It's
> > bullshit. And a non sequitur.
> > 
> > > Another essential truth is that we humans are going to make
> > > mistakes whether our glitches are big or little, few or many.
> > 
> > DUH. Of course nobody here ever said otherwise. Non sequitur.
> > 
> > > In regards to this I have also noticed that a big feature
> > > of extremely polarized thinking is that it does not allow
> > > for making mistakes, learning from them and forgiveness.
> > > This too I think is very harmful.
> > 
> > This may be, but you haven't seen anything like it here.
> > Another non sequitur.
> > 
> > > As far as I'm concerned it's up to you to decide if you're
> > > a member of wts.
> > 
> > No, sorry, there's no such thing as "wts" for us to decide
> > about. It's a fantasy you created because you had fucked
> > up and had to find something to use to beat up on the people
> > who had pointed out your fuck-ups to you.
> > 
> > > I'm only weighing in on this because you and others are
> > > STILL bringing it up!
> > 
> > It's STILL being brought up because YOU can't bring yourself
> > to acknowledge it was bullshit.
> > 
> > > BTW this is another indicator of cultishness IMO because
> > > it too has an element of being extreme in its expression.
> > 
> > No, wrong. Being extreme is not some infallible indicator
> > of "cultishness." Nor is bringing up your "wts" bullshit
> > "extreme in its expression."
> > 
> > > Also BTW I keep saying IMO to indicate that I realize what
> > > I'm saying is only my opinion based on my observations.
> > > Nothing more.
> > 
> > Except you haven't "observed" what you claim those opinions
> > are based on.
> > 
> > > Of all the wts people I think you're pretty fluid in your 
> > > thinking.  But you still are sometimes extreme in the
> > > negative direction towards me
> > 
> > it *does* is your attempt to intimidate into silence those
> > who have criticisms of you. It's not working, Share. You
> > are a person who provokes other people into very negative
> > reactions. *That's* what you need to be thinking about.
> > 
> > > and towards other non wts people like Barry.
> > 
> > There are no "wts people," therefore no "non wts people"
> > either.
> > 
> > > Often I think your negativity is expressed cleverly and
> > > pseudo playfully.  Nonetheless the extreme negativity
> > > underneath is discernible.  And as I say above, this
> > > extremely polarized thinking in the negative direction
> > > has become for me the clearest indication of someone's
> > > being in the group I call wts.
> > 
> > There is no such group--unless you want to change your
> > original definition and call it "people who have criticisms
> > of Share."
> > 
> > If you had even a shred of integrity, you would realize
> > this is what your "wts" is and has always been, from the
> > time you first dreamed it up.
> > 
> > > PS  A very recent example of your extremely negative thinking
> > > about me:  I made no judgement about Raunchy's grand daughter.
> > 
> > Emily never said you did, liar.
> > 
> > > I was expressing an opinion about the BENEFICIAL effect I
> > > thought John Newton's work would have on Raunchy and the
> > > people in her life.
> > 
> > You were expressing an incredibly judgmental opinion about
> > what a horrible person raunchy is to deprive her
> > granddaughter of the magical healing powers of John Newton.
> > 
> > The most ridiculous post I've ever seen on this forum. And
> > that is saying something.
> > 
> > > IMO both you and Raunchy reached a new low with those posts.
> > 
> > No, that would be *your* post about raunchy that reached
> > a new low. But you continue to come up with lower and lower
> > lows. Share, you are out of control.
> >

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