As I pointed out earlier, Guilio Tononi's "phi" formula, if taken to its 
logical conclusion, supports Hagelin's assertion about the unified field and 

Tononi doesn't like it when people do that, but he has to add in all sorts of 
exceptions to the formula to invalidate the conclusion.


--- In, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> For me, the serious question is why there is anything here at all.
> Once you've got your head round that the mechanics of how it all
> works will depend on measurement and an ability to accept that what
> we are looking at inside our brains translates into our conscious
> experiences. We haven't worked it out yet but so what? That doesn't
> mean we have to go running to the paranormal just because we haven't
> got an explanation, that's what kept our ancestors believing in god
> and astrology. It's a natural tendency but mistaken, especially as 
> we can see individual thoughts as they occur.
> It's all globby and whirly and we are all going to have to deal 
> with it sooner or later.

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