On 07/05/2013 12:19 PM, John wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 07/04/2013 08:28 PM, John wrote:
>>> Bhairitu,
>>> Here's a note on the US natal chart.  Using Saturn as the significator for 
>>> karma, career, or productivity(per Bhrigu Nandi Nadi technique), the 10th 
>>> house from Saturn becomes the 7th house.
>>> The 7th house has many planets in it, including the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, 
>>> and Mars.  This means that the US will be productive in many facets of life 
>>> from its citizens.
>>> However, the 7th house also represents other countries outside the US.  So, 
>>> the US has gone world-wide to find raw materials, like oil, for production.
>>> Given this inherent feature in the chart, it is very likely that the US 
>>> will be a catalyst for world government.  Given the multi-trillion deficit 
>>> that we have, the US will be more motivated to produce more with the help 
>>> of other countries to pay for the deficit in the future.
>>> In the long run, the US will have to be more innovative and highly 
>>> technological than the rest of the world to sustain its lifestyle.  IMO, 
>>> this will force the US to colonize the Moon and Mars to obtain resources 
>>> there for use here on earth.
>> So why did the US fall down in the 1860s and  1930s if it has such as
>> "strong chart?"  Remember the US is an amalgamation of states so it's a
>> little difficult to get an idea of what is happening with one single
>> horoscope.  Which is why most astrologers debate over what is the "real"
>> US horoscope. It's not like India where the jyotishees got the Brits to
>> hand the country over at an auspicious time.
>> The US standard of living is unsustainable.  it will have to collapse
>> but maybe just back to 1970 levels.  That wasn't so bad. And why
>> shouldn't folks in emerging nations have a good life too? Are Americans
>> special or something?  Now those folks can look at our standard of
>> living too because of the Internet.  BTW, many of those folks joke about
>> Americans being so fat.
>> You should test your astrology by tracking logical outcomes.  Just look
>> at the road the country is going down and make a prediction on that and
>> see how astrology stands up to it.  You might even find that pattern in
>> the horoscope.
>> But here is an article about the American Dream.  Note that over 51%
>> voted that the "American Dream" is no longer realistic.
>> http://www.nbcnews.com/business/state-american-dream-uncertain-6C10508356
> The US chart, just like any other charts, is subject to the cycles of time 
> which can be seen in the Vimshottari Dasha system.  That's why the US economy 
> went through its depression cycles.  James Kelleher, an American jyotishi, 
> already covered this point in his article at ACVA several years ago.
> The US would have gone through another depression in 2008 if the Federal 
> Reserve Board hadn't acted appropriately by lowering the interest rates and 
> buying up billions of government bonds.  It was also justified that the 
> government bailed out some of weak banks and General Motors.  We're still 
> recovering from that tailspin.
> But the rest of the world also experienced the same down cycle.  Some 
> countries in Europe, like Spain, Greece, and Italy, are still experiencing 
> double digit unemployment.  As a matter of fact, the US is lucky that the 
> economy didn't collapse due to $16 trillion national debt.  IMO, this is due 
> to the productivity potential of the US economy.  The rest of the world still 
> believes that the US can make the necessary adjustments and recover from this 
> down cycle.
> There's more to this discussion but I'll it here for now.
> JR

I know James Kelleher and I also know he has been open to discussing 
other US charts.  Some of these charts may work as harmonics.

The US *should* have gone through that depression because it would have 
hurt the public less than it is now.  It would have mainly meant an end 
to many rich peoples fortunes and which I would not shed one tear for.  
I think if it brought more chaos the people would have behaved in more 
of a "community" fashion to help each other and that might still 
happen.  You must be reading a lot of mainstream propaganda if you think 
we are recovering.

What productivity potential does the US have?  Manufacturing is gone.  
Manufacturers would be reticent after using foreign workers who have a 
different work ethic to use US workers.  And you must be guessing about 
what the rest of the world thinks?  Try this web site which has foreign 
press articles translated to English:


There's optimism and then there's drinking the kool-aid.

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