--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > 
> > > I think you may have actually been *jealous* of my
> > > admiration of Robin. You thought I should be admiring
> > > *you*. Remember all your "love-bombing"? So you
> > > figured you needed to tear him down to "correct" my
> > > opinion of him.
> > 
> > Oh, you really believe this?
> In English, "I think" and "you may have" are not expressions
> of certainty, as in "really believe."
> > my god, Judy, you gave me the laugh of the day. You really
> > descend into the rabbit hole, don't you? Any more similar
> > insights? I am starting to enjoy it.
> Well, I'll share with you what gave me the idea:
> "Judy, your post was brilliant, and I never had a doubt that
> your intellect is among the sharpest here."--zarzari, #298524
> "Judy, already there was so much praise about this post of
> yours, and I agree with that! that I hardly dare to answer
> you."--zarzari, #298541
> "Just imagine, you got a new lover, with whom you are deeply in
> romantic love, and after three years you notice, that he is
> utterly stupid, and you can't even talk to him, because he
> wouldn't even understand. What a shame for somebody with your 
> brilliant intellect."--zarzari, #298541
> "This is a very clear and beautiful explanation here Judy."
> --zarzari, #299795

Judy, I just went through the posts you linked there. Your interpretation is 
more than funny, so I can't imagine, you even thought it could be true, or 
deemed it likely to make a big point out of it.

But it's all there, right there in all those posts you are linking to, only, 
you didn't re-read it, you just took the 'introductory compliments', and cut 
the rest, the elaboration. This introductory compliment signaled an agreement 
to a point, but in the post I would differentiate, and make it clear what I 
really thought. You know, it's maybe a TM teacher thing, saying to the 
audience: 'Yes this is a very good question.'  and then say, what you really 
have to say.

In this case, re-read #299795

The following post, your answer was post 

which basically contained, what finally set me off! Can't believe when you read 
it? Yes, it is there. It's all about 'first person ontology', Robin's 
'omni-subjectivity' of God, while at the same time denying Unity Consciousness, 
as a state that has - forgot the exact formulation, but is not founded in 
reality (obviously HIS reality).

There's a whole line up to, what I have called your over reverential  tone. 
Sentences like:

"I'm flying blind here; Robin's going to have to bail us out." 

to which I had answered: 

"I actually feel more comfortable with your explanations, they are more clear 
to my mind."

To which you answered: 

"Could be they're clear because they're not accurate..."


"You and I are totally immersed in third-person ontology in this discussion, 
BTW, trying to figure out what it's like to be Robin."

That's were I lost patience, and turned tables. What I had thought about his 
de-enlightenment, his Unity not being founded in Reality, his use of words like 
'first person ontology' I had clarified before.

Here I was talking to Judy, not to Robin, who could make intellectual sense, 
and then all you refer to was Robin, what he says, I think he was off-board and 
you were kind of calling him.

You know, I didn't want to talk to a zombie. But I'm not in love with grannies. 

> That last quote is from right before your exchange with
> Barry about Robin's mental health. IOW, up until I became
> angry with you over that, you were practically sucking my
> toes.

> I thought all that extreme flattery was pretty amusing at
> the time. And when I came across it again as I was looking
> for something else relevant to this current discussion, it
> was a huge LOL. Back then I hadn't connected it with your
> attacks on Robin, but it sure does fit, given what you've
> told me this time around about the ways you've gone after
> him--including in the Great Misattribution Upset--because
> I got angry with you over a year and a half ago.
> I knew you'd deny it, and I'm sure you'll find a way to
> somehow dismiss the evidence. But you did say all that.
> And after I told you off in email, you've done nothing
> but find reasons to attack me. So everyone reading this
> can make up their own minds as to your motivations.

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