So here comes The Obsessive on Christmas Day, full of festive cheer and kind 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 If they're interested, they've already seen more than enough in the past 
couple of days to know you and Feste are lying jackasses. No need to go back 
any further than that.
 << Judy, I don't think anyone is interested in why Robin did or didn't dump 
you. If they were, they could go back and re-read all of Robin's messages. Go 
figure. >>
 On 12/24/2013 10:38 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   << Remember, folks, the whole point of the exchange was Robin's purported 
defection from me to Barry. At some point you are going to have to face 
reality, Judy. The first step in this direction would to stop the fibbing. 
Then, and only then will you ever persuade anyone on this forum that you are 
the only one with integrity.
 "In withdrawing from FFL I have had time to reflect upon my history there and 
the characters I have interacted with.
 It will perhaps come as a shock to some, but in reading Barry more closely and 
without the intense bias that has gripped me right from the start when Barry 
appeared to make himself immune to the effects of my posts, I have concluded 
that essentially Barry is right. Right not just about Judy; but right about 
even myself..." >>
 Do you suppose Richard is so far gone he didn't notice that what he quoted 
from Robin's post confirmed what I had just said that he called a fib?
 Poor fellow.

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