No, Richard, it's trolling and lying, not parody. You want it to be taken 

 As you know, I've mostly ignored you except when you've told lies that some of 
those here might not recognize as such. This past couple of weeks you've gone 
so far out on a limb with your trolling and lying and made yourself look so 
ridiculous that I'm pretty sure everyone knows now to ignore you.
 Almost 99% of everything I've posted to this forum for the past ten years has 
been parody, Judy, but you are too stupid to realize that. The difference 
between you and me and Robin is that you actually take this stuff seriously. Go 
 And, not only seriously, but as something that is directed at you as a person. 
You are so stupid that you don't even realize when somebody is putting you on. 
That's what makes this so much fun and so entertaining. You feed it - and 
that's not a parody, but a fact. Almost everyone on this list seems to know 
this but you, so consider yourself punked, big time. 
 On 12/25/2013 10:57 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   Difference is, Robin wasn't so stupid as to think others were stupid enough 
to take (or pretend to take) his parody seriously. Obviously he was wrong in 
Feste's, Vaj's, and your cases, though.
 << So, when a Canadian posts fibs, he is posting a parody; when two guys from 
Texas post fibs, they are liars. Thanks for pointing that out - that might help 
explain why you seem so prejudiced against Texans. Go figure. >>
 On 12/25/2013 10:03 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 If they're interested, they've already seen more than enough in the past 
couple of days to know you and Feste are lying jackasses. No need to go back 
any further than that.
 Just in case they are still interested there's this from the same post of 
Robin's, which if untrue, constitutes one of the biggest fibs ever posted to 
the group, and your non-reply if WAS a fib. You are usually pretty quick to 
make a comment on anyone posting outright lies to the group. But, in this case 
it looks like Robin was sincere. Either way, you are hoisted on your own petard 
this time. LoL!
 "Judy, I think you an intelligent and well-meaning person; but Curtis and 
Barry?and even to some extent, although less passionately, Steve?have 
identified what is wrong with you; and I think you must be courageous enough to 
finally examine yourself, since I, who until just now was one of your most 
loyal supporters have undergone an extraordinary change of heart, and have 
admitted to myself that you are the person in the wrong here, that Barry is 
right. Would you even just for the sake of how much I have defended you in the 
past, think about what I have said here?"
 << Judy, I don't think anyone is interested in why Robin did or didn't dump 
you. If they were, they could go back and re-read all of Robin's messages. Go 
figure. >>
 On 12/24/2013 10:38 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   << Remember, folks, the whole point of the exchange was Robin's purported 
defection from me to Barry. At some point you are going to have to face 
reality, Judy. The first step in this direction would to stop the fibbing. 
Then, and only then will you ever persuade anyone on this forum that you are 
the only one with integrity.
 "In withdrawing from FFL I have had time to reflect upon my history there and 
the characters I have interacted with.
 It will perhaps come as a shock to some, but in reading Barry more closely and 
without the intense bias that has gripped me right from the start when Barry 
appeared to make himself immune to the effects of my posts, I have concluded 
that essentially Barry is right. Right not just about Judy; but right about 
even myself..." >>
 Do you suppose Richard is so far gone he didn't notice that what he quoted 
from Robin's post confirmed what I had just said that he called a fib?
 Poor fellow.

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