Why on earth would you be "thrilled"? The novels are quite well known.

 I asked you, "'Favorite character'? You mean like kids have a favorite 
character in the Harry Potter novels?" because I couldn't believe I had 
understood you correctly. I have never heard an adult say they have a "favorite 
character" in a series of adult novels, much less a series of serious novels 
about the theological and moral struggles of Church of England clerics.

 I mean, if that's your thing, fine. It sure ain't mine.

 Have you ever written to Howatch telling her all about your favorite 
character? I bet she'd be amused, er, delighted.

 Did you know Yahoo has a Susan Howatch group? Isn't that thrilling!?


Maybe you could join that group and see if any of the members have a "favorite 
Howatch character."

<< Richard, I can empathize. I was thrilled to discover that Judy has also read 
the novels of Susan Howatch, a favorite author of mine. I asked her who her 
favorite Howatch character is. She responded with a putdown containing 
references to teens and Harry Potter! I still think she needs a pitta pacifying 
diet. >> 

 On Saturday, December 28, 2013 7:52 PM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> 
 On 12/28/2013 6:44 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 I learned long ago that "interesting" is in the eye of the beholder. 
Apparently you don't find anything interesting that is posted here, except 
Barry pushing some buttons; the post count; and posting some macros. I thought 
fer sure you'd make a reply to my comments on Wagner. Go figure.



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