I got such a good laugh out of the I am ignoring Buck part!
On Wed, 1/22/14, anartax...@yahoo.com <anartax...@yahoo.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reversing The Flow -- Writing AS Spiritual 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2014, 10:50 PM
 that old saw: "before
       enlightenment you chop wood and carry water and after
       enlightenment you copy wood and carry
 find it interesting to watch the world falling apart. 
 Our old
       systems no longer work and the unenlightened
 materialistic elite
       are trying to hold on to these antiquated
 systems.  Time for them
       to move over and get out of the way since they are a
 real drag on
       society.  Certainly having a quiet platform of
 silence helps to
       observe these apocalyptic events and even laugh them
 off (or laugh
       at the perpetrators).  I find that some of the
 political forums
       I'm on the posters really get hung up in the
 minutia missing the
       forest for the trees.  Folks here, not so
 much.  That in itself is
       a sign of
 evolution.'I am
 finding that I no longer seek spiritual experience, though I
 seek to find ways to understand what I am experiencing, and
 sometimes I have a desire for more information. Almost all
 my 'spiritual' experiences occured early on, in the
 years before I learned TM, and in a few years following that
 learning. Then things began to flatten out for long periods;
 in fact it often seemed like experience was sometimes going
 in reverse.
 But them
 the realisation came that it is not the experiences that
 were important in this seeking behaviour, it was the nature
 of experience itself and at that juncture, the seeking
 stopped. I just watched a science fiction movie on Netflix.
 Now I am in my office and there is a single lamp on a
 lampstand pointing at the ceiling. This is the only light
 source in my office that is on. Just light shining on the
 wall and ceiling, not very interesting as the plot of a
 movie, but it is just as fascinating as the movie. This
 seems to be simply because it is the nature of experience
 itself, it exists, it changes. It is a beautifully strange,
 unlocated silence that strings together these ordinary
 pearls of life. There is no longer any sense at all that
 there is something beyond this.
 In the
 beginning I imagined, based on what others told me, that
 spiritual life was transcendental, beyond the normal sphere
 of living. But as time has passed, that no longer holds.
 What I called transcendent in the beginning has become
 immanence, it is no longer something out of sight or mind.
 'Transcendence' now sounds ludicrous and bizarre. It
 was, for a time a useful fiction, but it no longer means
 anything at all.
 If I am
 meditating or looking at the stack of fuel meter tickets on
 my desk (it has been uncommonly cold here this winter), it
 is pretty much the same thing. It was not the specific
 content that was going on that I was seeking all those
 years, it was just the plain fact that something was going
 on. It took decades to finally get this. All that
 intellectual filigree and nit picking about spiritual
 concepts and how this related to that was all a smoke screen
 for something much more obvious, that existence is, and that
 is that. End of question.
 to describe this quality of experience is challenging
 because there is nothing extraordinary about it, and this is
 my second best shot at it. I wrote and hit enter, and the
 cursor was probably out of the box, and Neo trashed the
 whole thing I wrote. So this is an attempt to reclaim a
 previous inspiration, and it is like reheated food. A
 certain amount of caustion. I am going to cut and paste this
 into Neo from a text editor.
 I really
 do not have spiritual experiences any more. It's not
 boring, but for someone who is still looking for them, it
 might seem to be a rather austere way to experience life. If
 I feel tired, I am tired, sometimes I am blissful, and
 sometimes not. I am not looking to be happy or avoid
 happiness. I am not looking to be sad or avoid sadness. If
 it comes that way, that is what I experience. It is a
 peculiar quality to not anticipate things much at all.
 United States Federal and local state taxes are do, so I do
 have to think about future events, a certain amount of
 planning is required to get through a year, and then another
 year. But its not frantic, though I can imagine scenarios
 that could be frantic, such as economic collapse
 As for
 chopping wood and carrying water, it's easier now. An
 electric pump brings water into the house, and there is some
 wood in the garage, but someone else chopped it (probably
 with a machine). So I just have to turn on the faucet, but I
 do have to carry wood into the house, but it is for
 ambience, the oil boiler does the real job of
 it's time for me to sit quietly and do nothing, which I
 do from time to time. Formal quiet time, on my own schedule,
 not at someone else's urging. I am not coordinating with
 anyone (I am ignoring Buck, that is to say).

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