How long? Until we get one percent of the world taking quiet time to practice a 
transcending meditation we are not going to stop until we achieve this and no 
spiritually apathetic dried up old science-hating ignorant fools like some even 
here are going to obstruct our progress towards our highly altruistic spiritual 
and science-based goals. This is a new movement and I invite you to get in line 
in formation with group meditation again near you; to be of help and not just 
sit in some field of cynicism out by your sorry self. It iscertainly time now 
to regather and to not be bound by a past but come forward again to help each 
other together with meditation. The goal is to get one percent of the 
population everywhere taking quiet time to meditate for the field affect of 
inner peace and love of a spiritual coherence that effective transcending 
meditation generates inside and outside everywhere. Clearly the science says 
that you can at the least be of help to your own self, that should appeal to 
someones like some of you. All that we are saying is, give Peace a chance. And, 
at least don't obstruct peace for the large community. The TM program is there 
to support your meditation and world peace everywhere. You could be of especial 
help by joining a group transcending meditation near you. Pick your Self up and 
come to meditation, and at the least coordinate for world peace with 
meditations near you. This is a call for activation of your Self. You can be of 
great help to your small-ass self and yet of great help to others in a much 
larger way in the practice of effective and coordinated transcending 
meditation, that is clear science and the clear science of peace-activism. Come 
be of help, for a change, -Buck in the Dome          


 salyavin808 writes:


 Then either do it or shut up about it.

 How many more decades of fundraising are there going to be before the TMO puts 
the money it collected into an actual group that actually brings peace?

 I think the whole thing is a crock of shit but it's very easy to demonstrate 
but wait, they have demonstrated it! You yourself have posted endless posts 
about how many hundreds of thousands have learned TM & YF, and all the yagyas 
(claimed to be much more powerful by the TMO) and yet there is still the 
occasional bit of trouble in the Mid-East.

 Maybe you want to explain why what you've done so far hasn't worked before you 
start conning the faithful out of their remaining few bucks for another 
"coherence" creating group.

 It's very easy and you claim to have already done it. In fact I remember 
Marshy saying that Sat Yuga was here but I'll put that down to the ramblings of 
a senile and deluded old man. But what to put your ramblings down to after all 
these years?

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