It wouldn't surprise me, they were pretty good at manipulating the facts to 
suit the moment. I remember a Reuters article which was taken up by the BBC on 
how the raam should be avoided by investors as it is a totally unsupported 
currency and only accepted in exchange for lentils at TM centres.

 The press officer edited the Reuters release so it looked like the financial 
world was hailing the raam as the greatest thing ever and put the story in the 
UK's TM News magazine. I was shocked at how easily peoples quotes were 
manipulated and told him that the BBC would sue us out of existence if they 
found out but only a few people read it anyway so it doesn't really matter. I 
stopped believing TMO quotes by supposedly disinterested third parties. 

 The whole redevelopment thing was rubbish anyway, printing money to give 
people doesn't work as it has to be exchanged for something real at some point.

 I did have a 10 raam note though but the wife threw it away because she 
thought it wasn't real money!

  I stopped believing TMO quotes by supposedly disinterested third parties 
after that. I had a list of quotes by scientists in my office that I was to use 
on press releases to give them a bit of weight. Would love to have that list 
and recheck it and the original sources.

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote:

 I seem to recall that when Marshy and Company first rolled out the raam and 
they were trying to get people to buy it, some minister of the global whatever 
claimed that they had a bunch of gold to back it up, and when they were 
questioned on that they admitted that was not so, but then claimed India was 
backing the raam with its gold which turned out not to be true either. 
 Am I remembering correctly, or was that an opium dream I had?

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