On 3/29/2014 10:52 AM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Is this relevant to anything or anybody?
Only to those invested in the TMSP. The question posed was "has anyone 
heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying" - levitation?

The only respondent on FFL that answered yes was Barry, who claimed he 
had seen Rama levitate hundreds of times. My question is, how is this 
possible? It's not a really difficult question to answer. Here's what 
Shemp McGurk thought of Barry's claim:

"To me, the important question is: why did you feel the compulsion to
tell us that you DID see "real" levitation when it is obvious that --
even in your own words -- what you experienced was very far from
what could remotely be described as "real"? - Shemp McGurk

Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

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