
---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...>
 Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   Richard, is your point here that you believe Rama was a magician? O.K.  If 
this brings you closure than go with it. Is this relevant to anything or 
anybody? I made my point and I'm letting it go.  Try to do the same. You might 
feel better.    

 Emily, there are only two reasons Willytex keeps harping on this. First, he's 
jealous of anyone who has had spiritual experiences he hasn't, which kinda 
includes everybody, but especially anyone who says he's witnessed siddhis being 
performed. Second, he keeps doing it in the hope he'll push my buttons and get 
a rise out of me. He does this because when I or anyone else is critical of 
Maharishi, that pushes *his* buttons. What he doesn't realize is that I got out 
of the "defending Rama" or even "defending my experiences with him" rut years 

 Yes, it seems that you did.  I am trying to help Richard move along as well as 
he has been harping on "dead Rama" now for several years now, at least; perhaps 
Rama is bothering him from the other side? :) Fred Lenz needed a lot of 

The other aspect of all of this that continues to baffle me, just for the 
record, is how incredibly hung up people seem to be on the flashy stuff, like 
levitation. I've been there, done that with witnessing that, and I really don't 
understand their obsession. We witnessed this kinda stuff so often that it 
quickly became ho-hum. And I was never there for the flash anyway; the reason I 
stuck around with the Rama guy for so long was because of what it was like to 
meditate with him (at least in the early years). Whatever else he may have been 
(including being a charlatan and more than a bit of a dick), he could meditate 
like gangbusters. There was no issue of "stilling thoughts" sitting in those 
rooms with him; the silence was so powerful that you simply *couldn't* have 

 I think this is the main point; the flash served as the hook or draw, but 
there was *something* that was more meaningful happening below the surface for 
many that he was able to facilitate (at least in the early years) before he 
succumbed fully to the dark side of himself, so to speak.  

---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 3/28/2014 7:27 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
 > The point I was making to you is that it is false to continue to 
 > state that Barry was the *only* person to have the experience of Rama 
 > levitating. 
 According to Barry, the levitation was not REAL- it was just a Rama 
 SIDDHI thing. A magician can do a lot when he is up on a stage in a dark 
 lecture hall with assistants all around. It's not complicated. H.P 
 Blavatsky apparently used to do these kinds of parlor tricks all the 
 time. Go figure.
 There have been numerous reports of mass hysteria in many cult groups, 
 resulting in cases of "group think" in which people all get stoned on 
 psychedelics in a public park and proclaim they had just seen the Holy 
 Ghost. This happened one time on Hippie Hill in Golden Gate Park in SF 
 back in 1968. The experience was real, but it was just an illusion, 
 since everyone knows that the Holy Ghost doesn't exist, according to 
 Barry. Go figure.
 Have you ever seen a performance by David Blaine the American magician, 
 illusionist and endurance artist?



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