
 Nice story.  Do you have an unusual personal story of how you were able to 
exist and teach others with almost no money?

---In, <> wrote :

 Dan, what Edg didn't catch is that we were all thrown into that same gigantic, 
cosmic washingmachine. We lived for a dollar a day, in Europe, in the USA and 
in Asia for tens of years and it was OK.
 What mattered was the idea that by doing so Maharishi would connect us to 
something bigger, something greater. For some that "greater" was more personal 
power and riches, perhaps to meet a lovely lady, for others it was longevity 
and good health, but for most of us it meant that by His Grace we could shake 
hands with Godhead.  
 I'm communicating with many of the friends from that time, and I can assure 
you; whatever their desires were, with the blessings of their own good karma 
and with the help of the most competent Guide, their aspirations are fulfilled.
 A very interesting feature is when you meet an old meditator who has simply 
done TM twice a day, someone who perhaps met Maharishi in the 60's. With 0 
expectations, yet they find their lives mysteriously fulfilled on levels they 
had not even imagined.


---In, <> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 Speak for yourself, Edg. You say, "We were hustlers with shiny shoes, a $200 
suit and a $200 car. We were fucking chumps." But what you actually mean is "I 
was a hustler with shiny shoes, a $200 suit and a $200 car. I was a fucking 
I have always had beautiful shoes (most recent pair of Red Wing desert boots 
custom made for Brooks Brothers, they phone when something special comes in). 
My suits are stylish and my car 'clean and neat'. I am also honest.

Big difference between us Edgy.

---In, <> wrote :

 Maharishi never gave a damn about us ever understanding "a philosophy made 
necessary" if the concept "transcendental" is the basis of it.  

Except for learning puja and checking notes, we never had "general philosophy 
101" classes, never had exams, never had sub-leaders who could lead a 
discussion about philosophy, never were encouraged to study the Gita or other 
scriptures, never had any "must memorize" commands, etc.  We were forbidden to 
read any other spiritual books.

Yeah, Maharishi taught us by answering the mike-questions, but that was always 
informal and there was no "lesson plan" for the "students."  

In short we were put out into the public wilds completely unable to defend TM 
with concepts and logic.....except such as we were able to individually pony up 
when the moment came that someone asked a deeper question.  

We were JOKES, and we didn't know it, but because most of our audiences were as 
un-scholarly as we were, so we could bullshit to the max.  Any PhD in 
philosophy candidate could have us tied up in knots and sweating buckets.

Oh, we were told we were Totakacharya types.....the nice folks who were stupid 
but who would do great works none-the-less.  We swallowed that shit like it was 

So don't go pushing Chapter 7 on me -- it's just window dressing in a billion 
dollar scam. 

 I read the first six chapters and wore out three copies of the book 
underlining and adding comments and questions in the margins.  After I got into 
Advaita, I read MMY's Gita one last time and I WAS APPALLED at the lack of 
consistency of how key concepts were used.  

Go ahead, try to find out what Maharishi would say are the defining DIFFERENCES 
"being, consciousness, isness, amness, transcendent, awareness, witness, soul, 
etc."  I'll wait.  No one....I repeat, NO ONE came off a TM teachers' training 
course being able to define these words without paradox or treating most of 
them as if they were synonyms of each other.   We were hustlers with shiny 
shoes, a $200 suit and a $200 car.  
We were fucking chumps.

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